October 11, 2023

Just Write by Steph Beth Nickel


i have no time to write
i say
my work is piling up

i have no time to write
i say
life overflows my cup

Just write!

i have no time to write
i say
with family, friends, and more

i have no time to write
i say
with all that is instore

Just write!

i have no time to write
i say
the days are marching on

i have no time to write
i say
another week is gone

Just write!

i have no time to write
i say
so much else to do

i have no time to write
i say
but is it really true

Just write!

i do have time to write
i say
i'll focus day or night

i do have time to write
i say
and tell myself...

Just write!


  1. Love this, Steph! I have this argument with myself almost every day. Thanks for articulating it and thanks very much for sharing it with us.

  2. Great advice, Steph!

  3. Amen, dear Steph. We always have time for what we make time for. Though there are seasons to step away and rest, the time to write only happens when we "Just write!"
    Well done. Blessings.

  4. Wonderful! Thank you for just writing that poem.

  5. Michelle Strutzenberger1:20 pm GMT-7

    Thank you for this! I take it as a proverbial kick in the pants for myself!

  6. Oh, the battle! Thank you for this encouragement to just write!


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