October 03, 2023

Just Start ~ by Brenda J. Wood

 Yes, I say. Just do it. Just start now What is on your heart?

 Make a start now. Got writer's block? Get out pen and paper. Sit before it and pick up the pen,

Computer person? Sit yourself in that chair and put your fingers on the keys.

Now start to write. If necessary, type or scribble your name a hundred times or more until something else comes out; and it will.

How do I know this? I’ve seen it work. 

So, you write gibberish for a few moments. Who cares? Only you see it and it's healing that writer's block you think is insurmountable.

The theory is you are writing. The words aren’t great or life-changing but writing is happening and eventually, your truth will flow from your heart and through your fingertips to the page.

The same rule applies to any part of our life.

Want to knit? Pick up the needles and cast on a few stitches.

Need to do the dishes? Start the hot water running in the sink. Add some soap bubbles.

Need to make amends and heal a few relationships? Start by picking up the phone.

Need to repair your relationship with God? Settle yourself in a comfy chair and close your eyes. 

J is for just start now. 

Half the job is starting, to get started.

Brenda J. Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Thank you, dear Brenda. I appreciate how your reminder to just start applies to every area of our lives. Sometimes we need to put action before feelings. Often our feelings follow what we do.

  2. Thanks for your wise advice, Brenda.I'm often reminded of what the writer Brenda Ueland (If You Want to Write) said, that whenever you write, you learn something. Inspiration may not come before you write, but start anyway, even as you move from gibberish to something more meaningful.

  3. So simple and yet so profoundly true, Brenda. As far as the writing part, I used to use this type of 'stream of consciousness" exercise with students. We';d set a timer and I told them it didn't mater what they wrote. Most were amazed at what eventually came out. (Of course there were always a few who had to really concentrate to ONLY write their name or whatever, just to prove a point!)

  4. Anonymous9:23 am GMT-7

    Thank you all for your kind comments Brenda

  5. Thanks for this encouragement, Brenda. Sound and wise advice indeed.

  6. Oftentimes, I want to start but where to I begin? I love your suggestion to just start! I've waited for far too long for the right words and sentences to form, I will try this and see what comes off the ink of my pen!


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