October 17, 2023

J is for Jewel by Lorilee Guenter


An eagle soars overhead. A lone pansy blooms among fallen autumn leaves. A sunset paints the sky in hues of orange and red. Tiny snippets found in ordinary days can be treasures, when we pause to acknowledge  them. These are opportunities to express gratitude for the gifts God has given us.

As writers, honing our observational skills allows us to mine gems from the everyday. These pieces of life add layers and description to our writing. Poetry may weave a list of observations into a word painting. Devotionals may pair them with scripture. A characters response to the flower tells us a bit about who they are. The list of ways we use our daily observations is limited only by our imaginations.

I have an unopened geode. It is a rough, nondescript brown. It could be mistaken for a bumpy lump of dried clay. I have not yet opened it to reveal its contents. I do not know the pattern or beauty that resides within. It will remain that way unless I actively work with it. I have seen gems, newly dug, with bits of dirt and rock clinging to them. You know there is something beautiful there. It takes polishing to see the jewels contained within.

Our observations, our words, and our daily activities hold unprocessed gems. As we weave our words together, rearranging, rewriting and revising, the dirt and debris fall away revealing the jewel held inside. Just as a master craftsman knows just where to cut to catch the light so the jewel shines, we strive to find just the right words to bring our writing to life so it shines.

As I work at my craft, I find myself reflecting. I too am an unpolished gem. I have debris from life marring my surface. There are scratches and dents that dim the light. Thankfully I am not left in this state. The Master Craftsman is cutting and polishing. He is restoring and revealing the shine that He sees within, and knows exactly what is necessary to make us sparkle with His light. As He polishes, He teaches. He hones our gift of words He has given us. We have been placed within a community to strengthen us. Together we shine brighter because we reflect more of Him.

It is my hope and prayer that not only do I continue to learn to polish my words but also that I continue to let God polish my life. May our lives and our writing be jewels offered to God and to others.


  1. Thank you, dear Lorilee, for this thoughtful post. I love the comparison you made between polishing jewels, polishing our writing, and polishing our lives. Amen to inviting God to help this process continue in us.

  2. Beautifully expressed, Lorilee! Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us.

  3. Elizabeth Danna12:50 pm GMT-7

    Lorilee your post reminds me of one of my favorite Scriptures: "He who began a good work in you will complete it in the day of Christ" (Phil. 1:6). A comfort to me when I find I'm not up to standard.

  4. Elizabeth Danna12:51 pm GMT-7

    Thank you Lorilee.

  5. What a beautiful metaphor of God polishing us, his jewels, Lorilee!! Thank you!

  6. Wow. What a wonderful post and such a beautiful picture of our “Master Craftsman.” Thanks, Lorilee.

  7. This is such a beautiful analogy, Lorilee!

  8. So beautifully written! I especially love the analogy to writing.


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