September 14, 2023

It is.... by Sharon Heagy


       There is a popular turn of phrase these days that makes me cringe. What’s worse is that I have caught myself uttering it from time to time. ‘It is what it is.’

            I’m not even sure what it means, to tell the truth. When I looked up various definitions the most common thread seemed to be a situation which is immutable and unchangeable, and you just need to accept it. What I find in usage is, that it is rarely used in a situation that is unchangeable but rather is used as resignation to given circumstances. It is either not worth the effort to try to change it or one cannot see the hope needed to move forward.  Though there are some, there are very few things which are unalterable, and sometimes even if the situation can’t change, often our attitudes and reactions towards it can.

            Change is a constant in our world and even though “there is nothing new under the sun,” [i] present events can seem new to a generation or to the realm of our experience.

            For those who follow Christ change is expected as we are transformed by His word and conformed to His image. The work began in us moves forward to completion.[ii] He who never changes requires change in us.

            The inspiration for this post came during a church service while we were singing, ‘My Life is in You Lord.’ Repeating the lines ‘In You, it’s in You, it’s in You’ struck a chord. It is….in You.

            In Him, where we find our inspiration.

            In Him, where we find compassion.

            In Him, where we find love unequalled. 

He who knows all, is present in all and has power over all. It is…in Him. The Alpha and Omega. Where our projects need to begin and end.

            Perhaps we can give words of encouragement and hope to folks who are stuck in an ‘It is what it is’ phase. To help them see light in their darkness and lift them out of the pits we all experience sometimes. Our words under His touch can be a balm – “a crown of beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.”[iii]

            Perhaps you are stuck in a writing project and just want to give up. May I suggest that you read or re-read this month’s blog posts which are rich with ideas, suggestions and encouragement for those in just such a situation. When I began to type a list, I found I had named every author so far. Rather than list them here, I leave it to you to discover nuggets of gold in what they have written. What a treasure trove! Your wisdom is appreciated beyond your ken. 

            The letter ‘i’ proved to be a difficult one for me but has obviously been an inspiration to others. For me, this is my offering for the month, and…. ‘It is what it is.’


[i] Ecclesiastes 1:9

[ii] Philippians 1:6, Romans 8:29


[iii] Isaiah 61:3


  1. Dear Sharon, I love your offering. And I bid an especial amen to: "...even if the situation can’t change, often our attitudes and reactions towards it can."
    Thank you for sharing wisdom and encouragement through your blog posts and comments on this site.

    1. Thanks, Wendy. Your words and graciousness always encourage me to keep trying.

  2. Sharon, I enjoyed reading what you had to say and to learn how we each see things differently. The phrase that bothers you has been, for me, a comfort of sorts in many instances. I take it as there being a little space where I can decide to fret or not fret about whatever 'it' is. I can do something if I have the energy or responsibility to make a change. Or, I can leave it as it is. Whatever I choose, I can relax and let it go. Not as a 'fait accompli'. Because sometimes I fret about things that are not my business, and unless I feel a definite Nudge to intervene with some action or word, I have learned to leave well enough alone.

    Who would have imagined these different points of view in a little seemingly innocuous phrase. Thanks, Sharon, for giving us something to think about.

    1. So it’s like ‘Sela,’ pause and think about it. Thanks for sharing your point of view. I’m glad these words bring you comfort. It is wonderful how words affect us in different ways. Thanks so much for your response.

  3. I echo Brenda's eloquent response. I was struck by the depth of thought in your post.

    1. Thank you, Tracy. Her response was fabulous wasn’t it? Thanks for your kind comments.

  4. Hi Sharon! I admit the phease you zero in on isn't one of my favourites either. Another one to drive me bonkers is, "It's all good." Oh boy, talk about cringe worthy! These days another cringe worthy phrase used and which seems to contribute to our divided society is, "we follow the science." Oh man, that particular phrase is obe I have laid aside.

    I appreciate you explaining your thoughts on the use of words and how we may have to dig deeper to understand or even accet them.

  5. Hello, Alan. There are many phrases of the day that give me a bit of a twist and the two you mention are a couple of them. Thanks so much for your comments and conversation. Always appreciated.

  6. Thanks for your discussion of "It is what it is." I have on occasion used that expression, but this comment gave me food for thought to counter the fatalistic "It is what it is": "Our words under His touch can be a balm – “a crown of beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” God bless you as you write for our blog!!

    1. Thanks for your kind and encouraging comments, Sandi. Will miss meeting you at conference. Maybe next year. Hope you are having a wonderful day.


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