September 21, 2023

I is for... INSCRIBE! by Tracy Krauss

When the idea for this blog post came to my mind, I literally laughed out loud! It just seemed so obvious! I had been tossing other great “I” words around, and then it hit me!

INSCRIBE starts with I! 

InScribe has played a major role in my writing life since 2010. At a recent ZOOM meeting with some other members, I said how I felt such a deep connection to InScribe. I view this organization almost like I view my church. It has truly been a place of fellowship for me and I love the people and the organization dearly. When asked what it was that made me feel this way, I had to think for a moment, but then it came to me: the connections I’ve made over the years. Yes, I have learned A LOT at conferences and WorDShops; I’ve poured over FellowScript magazine; writing consistently for the blog has taught me about consistency. But far outweighing everything, I feel connected to the people. I’ve made deep, lifelong friendships. 

These are my PEEPS. This is my TRIBE. 

I first “happened" across InScribe in 2010 after reading Marcia Laycock’s bio on another blog. I was fairly new to the world of the “published”, (although not new to writing… I’d been clacking away since 1985.) I hadn’t known I was expected to do much of my own marketing. I didn’t even have a facebook account! Yet, suddenly, I was expected to put myself out there. Talk about being thrown into the fire! 

I started blogging and tried to find some author networks where I could interact and hopefully get some advice. (Ning, anyone?!) That’s when I came across a blog for “International” writers and low-and-behold, a Canadian Christian was part of their roster! Further, Marcia Laycock had also lived in the Yukon, so I felt an instant connection to her. However, she was a celebrity in my eyes, so I don’t think I reached out. I did notice a reference to InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship so I looked it up. I was ASTOUNDED! An organization for Canadian Christian writers? Who knew?!

I joined, of course, and soon afterward went to my first conference in Edmonton. Rudy Wiebe spoke at the banquet, Sigmund Brouwer was the keynote, and Marcia Laycock was President. I was in the presence of ROYALTY! Seriously, I was awe-struck at that first conference. I’m sure I looked like it, too. I didn’t know a soul, but everyone was friendly. Of special note was Brenda Leyland. Brenda was so gracious and invited me to sit with her at the banquet. She’d also presented a workshop, so I felt very honoured. (Brenda often contributes to this blog and was the moderator at one time.) Turns out, Marcia was a real, down-to-earth person, too! LOL!

I think the secret to feeling connected is getting involved. I started blogging on this very blog and got to know many members through their writing, both here and through FellowScript. I discovered a writing group near me in Taylor, BC, where I met my now dear friend Marnie Pohlmann. The next conference I attended was in Wetaskiwin in 2012. Somehow, at that conference, I connected with Sharon Espeseth, and she suggested I take over her position as Writing Groups Coordinator. That was my first “official” position. Since then I’ve been blog moderator, writing buddies coordinator, on the fall conference committee, WorDShop coordinator, done many workshops at conferences and WorDshops, been Vice President, and even President! What a journey from the awe-struck newbie to chairing executive meetings! 

I encourage you to get involved. It is one of the best ways I know to really feel like you are part of something—because being part of INSCRIBE IS SPECIAL!  I have come to love and appreciate so many individuals that I’ve met through Inscribe. I’m looking forward to seeing some of you this very weekend in Saskatchewan. Woot! Can’t wait!

Tracy Krauss lives and works in northern BC, but she's still a prairie girl at heart! Visit her website for more on her many books and plays.


  1. What a great testimony about the influence of InScribe on your writing journey and life, Tracy. I look forward to meeting you in person at the conference ..... today!

  2. Ha - I love those little 'duh' moments that show up and make us LOL.

    I so enjoyed your post about what InScribe has meant to you. I agree - it's a wonderful fellowship!

    And thank you for your kind comment. I remember that weekend very well - it was an exciting conference. I still remember where we were both sitting for that banquet.

    1. Isn't it interesting that something so small and seemingly insignificant has had such an impact! Thank you for inviting me to sit with you! It started me on a trajectory to embrace InScribe...

  3. Dear Tracy, you're one of the biggest blessings to me about InScribe. You're patient and kind. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for InScribe. I look forward to meeting everyone in person when I finally make it to an in-person conference. (It's on my bucket list.)
    I agree that getting involved is one the best ways to feel part of the pack.

    1. And thank YOU for the fine job you are doing as blog moderator! You've brought your own flair, and you are also always so full of kindness. Blessings!

  4. Wow. I connected with this post on so many levels. Always thought I was the only one intimidated by the prolific writers of Inscribe. (Still am to some degree) But I have also found the members to be a caring and down to earth bunch from whom one can learn an enormous amount. Thanks for your leadership and encouragement within this wonderful organization and beyond. See you later!

    1. It was so nice to meet you in person at the conference Sharon!

  5. Hi Tracy! I've said this before, but bears repeating. You are the writer who gave me my first crack at contributing to our InScribe blog. I began in 2015 and I don't think I've missed a monthly post since then. You are definitely one of my big time encouragers. There are so many wonderful writers I still have to meet. Lord willing, I hope to attend our Conference. Blessings and love to you, Tracy.

    1. Thank you for these kind sentiments, Alan! I'm glad I can cheer you on! It is such a blessing to be part of InScribe!

  6. Michelle Strutzenberger4:05 pm GMT-7

    I'm new to InScribe as of this past spring, but I feel like I have found my tribe as well. I would have loved to joined the conference but work and family commitments did not allow it to happen this year. Hopefully I can do so in 2024!

    1. Too bad, but I am so glad you are here!

  7. Great blog, Tracy and it was so great to spend time with you at conference! Thanks for being such an encourager to me and for the wonderful example of enthusiasm and involvement that you set!

    1. Hooray! It was fantastic to see you as well, friend!

  8. I'm just now catching up to last month's posts. You've reminded me of the many experiences and people that have meant so much to me in InScribe. And thanks for being our blog monitor those years, and for continuing to inspire us with your monthly posts!! You encourage me to keep on posting each month!


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