September 22, 2023

Interior Richness by Lorrie Orr


"A good person brings good things out of the good 
stored up in her/his heart." 
Luke 6:45

Writers think a lot. We imagine, we ponder, we observe, we untangle thoughts and emotions. We must pull these stories out of ourselves, sometimes at great effort, in order to transpose them into words on paper. Developing a rich inner life is crucial to writing. 

This "rich inner life" phrase is a bit trendy these days. A simple definition is a personal life where one is attuned to one's dreams, talents, emotions, and so on. For a writer of faith, it also includes being in harmony with God's spirit within us. It's a delicate balance between being self-aware and self-absorbed. Having richness of heart and soul is allows a writer to understand herself as well as understanding others and their stories. 

Developing heart of richness takes time and intention. It's so important to spend time with God and his word. Sipping at Scripture slowly allows time for thoughtful deliberation.  Alternatively, gulping whole books of the Bible at a time allows for an overarching story to emerge. The Holy Spirit can use both to build richness into the soul. 

Other practices such as reading widely, knowing your own needs for society and solitude, understanding why you might be feeling a certain way (threatened, angry, sentimental, etc), and taking time to think and pray also contribute to the treasure chest of your inner life. 

One practice I find especially valuable is appreciating beauty. While we live in a world scarred by sin, there is still so much beauty all around us. My husband and I have spent the last two months travelling across Canada (we're currently in Quebec, heading home to BC within a couple of weeks). Everywhere, from the tip of Newfoundland to the red shores of Prince Edward Island to the immense prairies, I've found beauty. Not only in the landscape, but also in people. As the old song goes, "everyone is beautiful in their own way." Beautiful because each is created in God's image. 

Beauty sinks deep into my soul, enriching me via all of my senses. When I take time to observe a caterpillar inch its furry way across my path, or catch snippets of a conversation between two friends at the table next to me, or watch a young couple with their baby, the glorious beauty of it all fills me with an ache that is not of this world. I store these things in my mind and know that they contribute to what I have to offer to others through my life and my writing. 

How do you develop your inner life? I'd love to know. 

Currently writing from her camping trailer in Quebec, Lorrie is looking forward to being home on Vancouver Island soon. She writes a blog at, and loves beauty in many forms. 


  1. Thank you, dear Lorrie, for taking time out during your travels to share this lovely and inspiring post.
    One of the ways I've been developing my inner life is to pay attention when my tears well up in my eyes. Often there's a deep and unexpected message to mine if I take the time to dig for it.
    A huge amen to the following lines of yours:
    * Developing a rich inner life is crucial to writing.
    * Sipping at Scripture slowly allows time for thoughtful deliberation.
    * Beauty sinks deep into my soul, enriching me via all of my senses.

  2. What a beautiful, thoughtful post. I enjoyed every word. I so agree that developing a rich inner life is crucial to writing. Your phrase "sipping at Scripture" - I just love the image it evokes. Two things, among many, that enrich my own inner landscape:

    1. Being aware of the natural world around me (watching the birds, noticing the tree shadows lengthen this time of year, paying attention to the seasonal shifts);

    2. Discovering beautiful writing that creates inexplicable joy or wonderment as I read.

    Thank you, Lorrie!

  3. Hi Lorrie! This is a beauteous post. Your words brought poetry of John O'Donohue to mind. He also wrote of beauty and has inspired me to branch out capture the beauty all around. I love this line, "Beauty sinks deep into my soul, enriching me via all of my senses." I get it! Your words sink in to my soul and I thank you.

  4. A wonderful post Lorrie. This paragraph “Developing heart of richness takes time and intention. It's so important to spend time with God and his word. Sipping at Scripture slowly allows time for thoughtful deliberation. Alternatively, gulping whole books of the Bible at a time allows for an overarching story to emerge. The Holy Spirit can use both to build richness into the soul” particularly struck a chord with me. Hope you are enjoying your adventure!

  5. Thanks for this thought provoking post. I will have to ponder your question further... :)


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