September 25, 2023

Imago Dei ~ by Valerie Ronald


I do not see what God sees when I look in the mirror.

                    I see a woman weighted by decades lived,

                                            outwardly wasting away.


God sees Genesis perfection

                    inwardly renewed day by day

                                a finite likeness of His own nature

                                                Imago Dei ˗˗ image of God.

From Adam’s hand flew a stone of sin

                                shattering the image

                                        splintering the reflection

                                                stretching a chasm between divine and mortal.

Perfection came walking

            Christ, the Chasm-healer

                        His arm round my shoulders

                                we look in the mirror together.

                                            My likeness melds into His˗˗

                                                    conforming to the image of God’s Son.

I am Imago Dei ˗˗ intended to reflect His image

                    the same way the moon reflects the sun.

                            When I make choices, when I create, when I love

                                                a glimmer of Him shines out,

                                                            changing me from glory to glory

                                                                    until it is His face I see in the mirror. 


Valerie Ronald is a pastor's wife, mother and grandmother 
who enjoys reading, writing and taking photos of the
 beautiful prairies where she lives.


  1. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, dear Valerie. Thank you for this lovely reflection of His glory. You have blessed us well.
    Blessings back to you.

    1. Valerie Ronald10:00 am GMT-7

      Thank you for your gracious comment, Wendy. I see His reflection in you too.

  2. Beautiful lines! What a lovely poem. Thank you, Valerie!

    1. Valerie Ronald10:02 am GMT-7

      I'm glad you liked the poem, Brenda. I don't often write poetry however this one gently nudged me to write it.

  3. Elizabeth Danna9:28 am GMT-7

    Thanks Valerie for the reminder of who we really are.

    1. Valerie Ronald10:03 am GMT-7

      In these days of identity confusion, we can stay focused when we remember we are made in His image. Thanks for commenting, Elizabeth.

  4. Well done, Valerie! This message is so needed in a time when the enemy is stealing and destroying identities every chance he gets. I love it.

    1. Valerie Ronald10:05 am GMT-7

      Thank you, Terrie. You know a little about the birth of this poem, so your comment means a lot.

  5. Hi Valerie! Your poem is superb and is why I love poetry. Your words are like a warm security draped over sagging shoulders. A relief from burdens all too common in the world. Thank you so much.

    1. Valerie Ronald10:07 am GMT-7

      Thank you for your expressive comment, Alan. We can be hard on ourselves sometimes, so a reminder that we are made in God's image helps keep us centered.

  6. Anonymous5:14 am GMT-7

    Beautiful poem love it and thanks

    1. Valerie Ronald10:08 am GMT-7

      Thanks for your positive comment.

  7. Thanks for the beautiful poem this morning, and reminding us how God sees us. Just this morning I was reading Abraham's story and stopped at the verse, "Abraham believed God, and God counted it to him as righteousness." God looks beyond our imperfections, frailties, and failures and sees our heart of faith and love for him.

    And congratulations on your wins in the Fall Contest!!

    1. Valerie Ronald7:54 pm GMT-7

      Thank you, Sandi. You are so right .... we are loved by a gracious, forgiving God!

  8. Thank you for this profound poem, Valerie. It reminds me of some of the things Steve Bell spoke and sang about. It was nice to meet you at conference!

    1. Valerie Ronald7:58 pm GMT-7

      I appreciate your comment, Barb. And thank you for your suggestions when we had a chat down by the lake. They are worth thinking about. Blessings as you begin your new position as president!

  9. What a beautiful and profound poem, Valerie. It touched me in ways I was not expecting. Thanks for your unique way with words. Good to meet you at the conference. Hope to get a chance to chat next time. Thanks for this gift.

    1. Valerie Ronald8:00 pm GMT-7

      Thank you for your positive comment, Sharon. Now that I've enjoyed my first InScribe conference, I hope to attend more. Then we can have that chat!

  10. Stunning! I just got around to reading posts that I missed while away. You never disappoint!

  11. Valerie Ronald8:01 pm GMT-7

    Thank you, Tracy! I so enjoyed meeting you at conference. You are inspiring!


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