April 06, 2023

D is for Diet by Susan Barclay

We’ve all heard it said, “You are what you eat.” A steady diet of junk food is not likely to serve our health well. There’s a reason it’s called “junk,” right?

The same thing is true of what we take in in other forms.

If we want to inspire others with our writing, we need to be conscious of what we’re feeding our minds. Most importantly, we need to spend time in God’s Word, meditating on it “day and night” (Joshua 1:8, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 119:97). We need to make space in our days to listen for God’s voice, learn to recognize it, and act accordingly. Our secondary reading/viewing/listening ought also to be worthy of our time and attention, even if we're only looking to be "entertained" rather than informed or educated. What goes in is going to come out, so nourish yourself with clean reads, movies, and music to maintain pure thinking and a pure heart. If writing on non-fiction subjects, it can be important to be aware of opposing views and all angles; just soak yourself in prayer beforehand. Ask God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Ask Him for discernment, that you would not be hoodwinked by the subtle lies of the enemy.

Here's a healthy recipe for writing inspirationally:

  1. One heaping cup of God's Word.
  2. A full cup of prayer with a good measure of meditation thrown in.
  3. Season with devotion.
  4. Three Tablespoons of inspirational reading.
  5. Two cups of coffee or your favourite beverage.
  6. Three hours minimum of thoughtful writing in whatever atmosphere is conducive for you.
  7. Marinate for at least twenty-four hours.
  8. Stir. Sift out any contaminants.
  9. Serve and enjoy.

Remember, a diet (even one that doesn't pertain to food) isn't a temporary fad - it's a way of life! "Eat" well and stay healthy!


For more about Susan Barclay and her writing, please visit her blog: https://susan-barclay.blogspot.com/


  1. Thank you, dear Susan, for this wise and wonderful recipe for a healthy spiritual life and godly writing life.
    Amen to: "We need to make space in our days to listen for God’s voice, learn to recognize it, and act accordingly."
    The more space we make for God, the less room there is for evil.

    1. And amen to "The more space we make for God, the less room there is for evil"!

  2. thank you for this clever post, Susan!

  3. Dear Susan, thank you for this message. As a contemplative guy I appreciate your points. Each one of your points resonates with me. Please keep writing!

    1. Anonymous4:57 pm GMT-7

      Thanks for your feedback, Alan! I'll do my best!

  4. Wonderful! A recipe worth keeping and reading often. Thanks, Susan.

  5. Thank you, Susan. I like Step 8 in the recipe - "Stir. Sift out any contaminants."


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