February 14, 2023

Bold and Brave by Sharon Heagy

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. 

Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, 

for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9


Bold and brave. Two words which are essential for the character of any writer but are particularly important for the writer who has been called by God. Two words which have a different meaning for me now than when I first began to write.

            To a younger me those words would evoke visions of knights in shining armour on heroic quests. Dragon slayers who rescued distressed damsels and had not a morsel of fear, courage overflowing out of their pores as if their bodies couldn’t contain such an elixir. Those words would call to mind women like Florence Nightingale, Marie Curie, Laura Secord and Rosa Parks and men like Martin Luther King Junior, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Nelson Mandela.  Much closer to home there were personal heroes who I admired.  Teachers, parents and others in authority who were viewed as wise elders and were put on virtual pedestals. These folks were identified by the roles they filled in the time before we grow up and realize they are actual people. 

            As a young writer, before I came into a relationship with God, I wrote a weekly column for a local newspaper. When I read that copy today, I realize it is bad. Very bad. They published whatever I wrote unedited. As a young mom, excuse #1, my work was consistently unpolished and written at the last minute. Was it bold or presumptuous? Was I lazy and brazen to think my words were worthy to be read?  Unfortunate truth to face.

            Then there came a ‘suddenly’ in my life. God and I found each other (okay, He allowed me to find Him) and my views changed one hundred and eighty degrees. Zchlooop! All at once the words I wrote mattered as I wrote for my holy audience of One. There was less writing done for myself or by myself. When I did attempt to write without prayer or without a sincere invitation for His guidance, it never turned out well. Still doesn’t. The work needs to be done, I have a responsibility, but the boldness and the bravery are not my own, they come from Him, and His is the absolute apex of courage. A courage that calms my nervous heart and knocking knees. 

            The first time I submitted a post for this blog I was full of fear and trepidation. With one click I was putting stuff out there to be read by a group of people whom I admire greatly. People whose talents know no bounds. God given gifted ones. My stomach did flips and I was so nervous that my hand hovered over that ‘publish’ button for quite some time. He gave me the courage to try. I am still trying and hopefully I am growing in the process and will be able to encourage others to be bold and brave in the Lord and to embrace the gifts He has given them. 

            Multiple references in scripture tell us to take heart. They confirm we are not alone. We, like knights of old, can be clad in armour. His armour. Holy Armour. Supernatural Armour. The armour of Ephesians 6. We can have wisdom, His wisdom, available for the asking.

Take heart, fellow writer and follow His guidance. He’s got your back. He’ll give you the words and He will give you the courage to press send to wherever He wants to use your work. Be bold, be brave, not in yourself but in Him. 



  1. Thank you, dear Sharon, for this wonderful call to be prayerfully bold and brave with our writing. Amen to these words: "He wants to use your work. Be bold, be brave, not in yourself but in Him."

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Wendy.

  2. Thanks for this portrait of your writing life before and after your meeting with the Lord, Sharon. How true are your words, "the boldness and the bravery are not my own, they come from Him, and His is the absolute apex of courage." And what a valuable reminder for us to pray over our writing, "When I did attempt to write without prayer or without a sincere invitation for His guidance, it never turned out well." Words of wisdom!

    1. Many thanks, Sandi. 🤔 I guess it’s a snippet of a writer’s testimony. Never thought of that until I read your comments.

  3. I love the story of your growth... and the word "Zchloop"!

    1. Thanks, Tracy. I think it’s a fun word too.

  4. "...the boldness and bravery are not my own, they come from him..." Oh, how true this is, and such an encouragement when we set out to write and let others read our writing. Thank you for this encouraging post, Sharon.

    1. Thanks, Lorrie. Your comments are always appreciated. Thanks very much.


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