February 01, 2023

B is for Blessing ~ Wendy L. Macdonald


The best books, blogs, and articles bless their target audience.

A blessing according to my vintage Webster’s dictionary definition is “A means of happiness or welfare.”

The welfare of our readers must be uppermost in a writer’s mind if we hope to make them happy.

This is one of the reasons a book proposal submitted to an agent, editor, or publisher must contain a blurb about who the intended target audience is. As Zig Ziglar said, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.”  

This rule is a blessing and not a burden to the writer too. For when we receive reviews of our work, we know not to take the negative ones written by people outside of our target audience too much to heart. Yes, we can learn from all comments. But the ones that matter most are the ones penned by “our people.” If we can keep our tribe engaged, inspired, and satisfied, then our words have blessed them.  

As inspirational writers who write for the glory of God, our audience is already a much smaller one compared to the secular market. But our words have huge potential to bless others eternally. (This is why I’m so happy to be one of God’s scribes.)

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 NIV

Another way writers can bless readers is to stay true to their brand. If we’re known for writing sweet romances, we must not wander outside this genre and expose our readers to steamy stuff they weren’t expecting nor wanting. This is one of the fastest ways to tick off a reader. (I’ve been the reader who tossed that book aside.) And if we’re known for writing gracious devotionals and tasteful memoirs, we must not throw anyone under the bus through written words. Grace is the grease that keeps our writing in godly motion. 

The same goes for politics. If we’re not political commentators who regularly write about current events, it’s best to stay away from these topics because it’s never a win-win to offend half your audience. Once when I did venture into a forbidden zone in one of my newsletters, I was promptly chastised by a faithful reader. She was right. I had strayed into politics. I apologized and asked her to let me know if I ever did it again. That dear reader did me a gracious favor.  

Let’s choose a hill we believe God is calling us to die on and leave the other ones to those He called to be there. For example, my hard hill is abortion. I’m willing to be unfollowed and unliked for writing about that sensitive topic. But when it comes to public policies, I want to keep a kilometer-wide berth because I happen to know and love beautiful people on all sides of things controversial. Recently I listened to an acquaintance share what she believed about some hard things; I just listened because I care about her and didn’t have a fully formed opinion on that topic yet. And to be honest, I feared potential judgment about something I don’t feel passionate about. It wasn’t a hill I felt called to suffer on either.

There’s so much to say about being a blessing to readers. But for the sake of brevity and for the sake of getting back to work on some projects I hope will bless my readers, I’ll leave it here.

Blessings as you write to glorify God. And may your words bless readers. 

P.S. I couldn't resist including a photo of my writing buddies above. They doze while I write. Hopefully, my readers don't doze while reading my writing. 

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” On her main website, she enjoys interacting with readers.


  1. Your posts first thing every month are a blessing to us, Wendy. And I do appreciate your kind replies to those of us who write here. They bless us. Thank you. And, I love, love catching sightings of your furry writing room companions anytime. Blessings back at you! xo

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda, for your support and encouragement. Your lovely writing is always a pleasure to read. xo

  2. Hello Wendy. Thanks for the reminders to be a blessing, to stay faithful to that which God has called us and to think of others who read our work. Blessings on your day.

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Sharon. I look forward to reading everyone's posts this month.

  3. "Let’s choose a hill we believe God is calling us to die on and leave the other ones to those He called to be there." What a wonderful line. Thanks for starting us off strongly this month.

    1. Thank you and blessings, dear Tracy. I appreciate how wisely you avoid unnecessary hills.

  4. Thanks for this encouraging post, Wendy. "Grace is the grease that keeps our writing in godly motion." This sentence stood out to me. Not only do I desire to grace my readers with God-focused words, they also grace me by taking time to read my writing and sometimes give encouraging feedback. You are one of those who have graced me in this way!

    1. The first word that comes to mind when I think of your writing is--beautiful.
      Blessings, dear friend.

  5. Thanks for your strong starts to each month's posts, Wendy. Thanks for being a blessing to us. "Let’s choose a hill we believe God is calling us to die on and leave the other ones to those He called to be there." That's been one theme the Lord has impressed on me lately--God has given each of us a particular message, and each of our messages are different.

    And thanks for your blessings to us, too!

    1. Thank you, dear Sandi, for your faithfulness on our blog. Your posts and comments are always rich in depth and thoughtfulness.

  6. No dozing when I read what you write, Wendy. You bless us with your words and with your faithfulness in maintaining this blog. Thank you.

    1. Aww, thank you, dear Lorrie. I'm enjoying the variety of interesting writing voices we have on our blog. It's a blessing to be here.

  7. Hi Wendy! Such a great post! The byline for my writing is, "Touched by grief, held by hope." Your words remind me to stay true to my writing focus as much as possible. If I have a, "hard hill," it is euthanasia. I try to keep up with the tragic damage this has inflicted on our country. All in all, however, I concentrate on how even through grief experiences there is hope in God. Blessings, dear friend.

    1. Thank you, Alan. Yes, euthanasia is a "hard hill." I recently turned the radio off because words about that topic grieved my heart more than I could handle that day. Knowing God knows, and knowing He's not caught by surprise, comforts me.


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