February 16, 2023

B is for Because by Lorilee Guenter

As I contemplated what to write this month, I considered and rejected many words such as book, beautiful or becoming. These words and others are good words that apply not only to writing but to our lives. However, I struggled to pull together coherent thoughts relating to them and found myself asking why.

A few decades ago, in the early 1990s, I walked into drafting class and saw one word on the chalkboard: Why. When we answered the question we could leave. There are two simple answers to the question: "Why not?" or "Because". My questions of why and that incident led to my word for this month. B is for because.

I write because I have stories to tell. The Bible is full of stories that show God’s character. As I read them, I am encouraged and, at times, rebuked. Always, I am drawn to God. God has given me stories to tell as well. When I write, I am sharing the stories He has given me and the lessons He has taught me.

Snippets of conversation, words read, and things seen can all spark a story, a poem, or an essay. I write because some of those ideas are so persistent. They even get in the way of other tasks like sleep if I don’t pick up my pen. Because I write, I also notice things around me that I might otherwise overlook. I write because it reminds me to be present in the time and space I occupy. This doesn’t necessarily limit me to writing about here and now. I am finding more and more that, if I rush through my days or conversely waste my time on distractions, I miss living the life God has given me.

I write because God placed us in a beautiful world. It is a gift to us and a responsibility that He charged us with at creation. In my writing, I can remind others of the beauty of God's creation and the amazing detail He included. 

Even though though that creation has been broken because of our pride and rebellion, He didn’t give up on us. For some of us God gives us words and asks us to share them so others can see the beauty He created. He asks us to share our words so others can know His patient love, His mercy and His grace. 

I write because God is good. He made me who I am. He walks with me through the pain. He shelters me in the storm. God gave me words and asked me to use them. Sometimes the words are for me as I wrestle to understand what is happening around me. Other times the words are for others. If I don’t write, I am not being a good steward of this gift God has given me.

I create because God created and made us in His image. He uses our flawed creations, our inadequate words and our lives to show His character to bring glory and praise Him. My art and my writing are part of my offering to Him. They are the imperfect works of a student of the craft. My Master is a patient teacher. Because He loves me, He adds polish to my life and my work as He writes my story.


  1. Wow, Lorrie. So much meat in this post. Your thoughts on rushing through life and missing on God’s best, how He walks with us through storms and how He adds polish to your life’s story have all touched my heart this morning. I found my inner voice saying, ‘Yes!’ as I read along.

    1. Thank you. You have added another because here. We write because God uses it to touch others. May your weirds touch someone's heart this week.

    2. Sorry I wrote Lorrie instead of Lorilee🤦🏽‍♀️

  2. Dear Lorilee,
    You nailed the why of inspirational writing. Amen to each because. Well done.

  3. A beautiful post filled with lots to digest!

  4. Loved this! BECAUSE... leads to so many other things! Thank you for this thought provoking post! Many blessings to you - just because you are who you are!

  5. I enjoyed reading your post, Lorilee, "because" you captured so well the why's of writing as a Christian. It's good to occasionally examine why we do what we do, and how intricately our faith is woven into our purpose and goal in writing. Thank you!

  6. Hi Lorilee! Your words gripped me and held my focus. The word you chose makes so much sense as to, "why." we write. I relate with a great bond to how you lay out, "because," throughout your post. Thank you!


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