January 04, 2023

Looking Ahead to 2023 by Sandi Somers

The Dawn of a New Year

 As I stand on the threshold of this new year, I'm reminded of how one of my ESL students from South Sudan described a yearly tradition in her tribe.

 On New Year’s Eve, the villagers gathered around the fire and in turn each family recollected the major themes of the past year--the highs, the lows, the challenges, the difficulties, the griefs, the accomplishments. Then the village elders responded with words of wisdom, encouragement, or advice as needed. My student said that sometimes if there were many difficulties to sort through among the villagers, this process could go on all night. I visualized the meeting concluding as the sun crept over the horizon the next morning, and as the villagers walked towards their homes, they left their last year behind them and anticipated the year ahead.

Looking back: Appraisal and reflection

I adopted this practice this year, setting aside specific time after Christmas to review and read my writing journal for last year and to prepare for 2023. While I wrote a 2022 retrospective in November, I wanted to delve further. Often in looking back I see major themes that escape me on a day-to-day basis. One such theme was a burst of writing creativity in late summer, with new ideas and greater productivity. Another theme stood out as I reread different phases of the year; particular scriptures became dominant to meet my need and give me both encouragement and God’s promises. God was so faithful last year, and He will continue to be faithful all through this next year.

 Looking forward: Anticipation and aspirations

Like other writers, I look forward to this year with anticipation, excitement, and enthusiasm. God has been prompting me to step out in faith to expand my repertoire of articles, promotion, and technical skills. Our (my) story of 2023 is yet to be written. The keys are to pray for God’s guidance and ask for a promise that God will confirm my way, meanwhile being diligent in my day-to-day duties and being open to new opportunities. God has often reminded me that He acts on our behalf: “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps” (Proverbs 16:9 NLT).

 Looking up: Attention and adoration.

Beyond looking back and forward, there’s a third dimension. We turn our faces up to see the Lord, hear Him, and feel or sense His presence. I’m reminded of our late InScriber Bryan Norford’s wisdom at the dawn of 2015:

Looking above for wisdom, infinitely greater than ours, will give us the clearest view of the future, enhancing whatever perception the past teaches us…Looking forward with Him provides direction and security for this life that no earthly wisdom can…Let’s look back with insight, but look forward with the joy of faith in God that begins by looking up.

 How important it is to look up to Him through this attentive lens; doing so awakens us to child-like wonder and adoration.  

 Prayer. God of the New Year, grant us eyes of anticipation in Your work in us and in the world. We look back and see Your faithfulness in 2022. Even though we can't see ahead into 2023, You know what’s in store for us. Fill us with anticipation, joy, and hope as we focus our attention on You. And may we end our prayers with adoration, rejoicing in all You’ve planned and prepared for us. 

Our aspiration: “The beginning of January is the 1st blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” (adapted from Brad Paisley)



  1. Thank you, dear Sandi, for this beautiful and encouraging post. It's just what I needed to read on a dreary January morning. His Light to guide us and "determine our steps" is just as bright today as always.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Thanks, Wendy, for your encouragement. And I'm happy that my writing encouraged you. The light of Christ to guide us has been a recent theme in my devotional times.

  3. Yes, yes, yes! So many good "A" words!

  4. Love this meaty post, Sandi! So much to consider and contemplate. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for that prayer, Sandi. I sincerely prayed it. So much to chew on in this insightful post.

    Here's one of the things that stood out for me ... The keys are to pray for God’s guidance and ask for a promise that God will confirm my way, meanwhile being diligent in my day-to-day duties and being open to new opportunities. God has often reminded me that He acts on our behalf: “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps” (Proverbs 16:9 NLT)." I will keep that in my mind this year. And the Proverbs verse ... I had never seen it in such a positive light before. I'd always interpreted it as I can make my plans but in the end He's going to make me go His way anyway. You have completely shifted my perspective here! Wow! It's one of those "Aha" moments Bob mentions in his post. Thank you!

    Loved the Bryan Norford quote too. Thanks, Sandi.

    1. Thanks, Joy! Proverbs 16:9 is such an uplifting verse, and I'm so glad it has changed your perspective. My guess is that the "But" in "But the Lord determines our steps" can lead us to think negatively. Several translations use "and".


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