January 16, 2023

A is for Author


I’m an author, a published author. It’s a label describing part of who I am, but it still feels like it doesn’t fit well. At times, it seems like one of those clothing labels that makes your skin itch or the ribbon kind that pop out at the most inopportune times, those labels you want to cut out and discard.

What should I do with this author label? For years I hid my one-time enjoyment of writing. Then, as I began to put words to paper or more often keystrokes on the computer to form a story of some description, I told people, “I’m a reluctant writer.”

Have you ever been there? Reluctantly writing or quaking in your boots at the thought someone might ask you to speak in public, lead a workshop, or do anything out of your comfort zone? My words of being a reluctant writer or the thought of the label author puts me into a place far from any comfort zone. It’s never something that had been on my bucket list.

A number of years ago my one grandson challenged those words of mine when I repeated them yet again in his hearing. “Grandma, when you say you are a reluctant writer, it’s a very negative attitude.”

Wow. I must admit I had never really thought of my words in that way. I needed to pause and reflect on his comments. A is also for attitude and adjustment. Mine needed that. It has taken years to adapt my thinking and attitude to go from reluctant writer to published author when people ask me what I do.

Stories have been part of my life for as long as I can remember and likely longer. Hearing stories, reading them, and telling them too. They captivate my attention. They weave their way into answers I give to questions, speaking engagements, and now my writing. I knew storyteller fit as a way to describe myself and what I love to do. Then stories began to be published in anthologies or as a book and published author needed to be a descriptor as well.

The biggest attitude adjustment came when I realized that God gave me the ability to tell the stories. He gave me a gift but never meant me to hide it away or ignore it. The gift needed to be used to encourage and teach others. My attitude and actions of using the ability to tell stories and be a published author needs to praise God, my Creator so I can be a good steward.

An attitude adjustment happened. But some days, I feel myself slipping into the past way of thinking and desire to hide by not telling people about what I do or use the words published author. Then I take time to look back at the journey, the adventure God has taken me on to this point. I read down the list of what I’ve written and published from articles and poems in magazines and anthologies to devotional books, memoir, and even fiction. Affirmation from readers or fellow writers encourage me and remind me that God’s plan far exceeds my limited vision of the way ahead. Everything to this point is God’s doing. I often turn to the benediction in Ephesians 3: 20, 21 (NIV) which encourages, inspires, and fills me with awe at the power of God in Christ Jesus.
“ Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

Yes, a is for author. I simply need to be willing to do what God asks and enjoy the adventure we are on together. 


As a speaker and published author, Carol Harrison is passionate about mentoring people of all ages and abilities to help them find their voice and reach their fullest potential. She shares from her heart, with stories from real life experiences and God’s Word to encourage people and help them find a glimmer of hope no matter what the circumstances.



  1. Dear Carol,
    I found encouragement and inspiration in your words. And when you included one of my favorite Bible passages too, I knew God was speaking to me through you. Thank you and blessings.

  2. "A is for Author" is such an obvious choice, yet no one else said it yet. Well done in owning it! I also noticed "attitude adjustment" in your piece. (Grandchildren can be very smart!) Enjoyed this very much. Blessings, friend!

  3. "Attitude adjustment"--how necessary! It would be a good prompt for us to write about. I also liked your statement that "The gift needed to be used to encourage and teach others." Yes, God gives us our gifts to use.

  4. Thanks for this honest and encouraging post, Carol. There is so much here to which I can relate. It spoke to the heart of me. Many thanks.

  5. Anonymous5:51 pm GMT-7

    I can relate to everything you wrote here. God can and will do much more than we can. He uses our words to bless others - exactly what has happened right here. God bless you for this inspiration!


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