January 17, 2023

A is for Accept by Lorilee Guenter

 God has given us words as a gift. He uses words to teach me and to correct me. Words are one way He shows Himself to us. He communicates with us. He spoke creation into being and Jesus calmed the storm with words. Gifts are of more value when they are accepted. It is my choice whether I believe and accept.

I choose to accept the the relationship He has called me into using His words. I choose to accept the teaching found in His written word to us. I also recognise that God uses people to write and speak into other people's lives. I am beginning to accept that God gives me words to share with others. I did not accept that for a long time and instead devalued myself and lost opportunities because of it. 

I continue to learn what it means to follow where God leads me. God asked Abram to go to a place unknown to him but known to God. Abram trusted God would lead him. God asked His prophets to speak the words He gave them. Jesus taught His disciples and then asked them to share that teaching using the authority He gave them. We are all called to be His disciples which includes using the gifts and words He has given us and sharing them with the audience He asks us to share with. This is not something we do on our own but in communication with the Holy Spirit.

By accepting God's direction, and following it, our words and actions bring glory to Him when He uses our offerings to teach us and others. 


  1. Thank you, dear Lorilee, for reminding us to accept "God's direction" for our words. Amen to bringing "glory to Him." I'm grateful He faithfully directs us in the way He has for us to go. We don't write alone. Blessings.

  2. Hi Lorilee! Thank you for your transparency here. The following statements caught my attention. "I am beginning to accept that God gives me words to share with others. I did not accept that for a long time and instead devalued myself and lost opportunities because of it." A question came to my mind after reading the statement. I wonder how many of us as writers can relate to this? I know I can. As a fellow writer I thank God you choose to follow His direction, following Him, and sharing your writing with us.

  3. Three A words stand out to me in your post, Lorilee. Accept - others are blessed because you accepted the gift of writing which God gave you. Authority - because God gave you this gift, then you have His authority to use it according to His leading. Audience - God gives you audiences for your writing. Good points to remember for all writers who follow the Lord. Thanks for sharing them!

  4. Thank you for joining in the conversation, Lori. Accepted... !

  5. Thanks, Lorilee. Surrender is a steep learning curve for some of us. Encouraging posts like this help. Thanks, again.

  6. Thanks, Lorilee, for your wisdom. I particularly took to heart these sentences: "We are all called to be His disciples which includes using the gifts and words He has given us and sharing them with the audience He asks us to share with. This is not something we do on our own but in communication with the Holy Spirit."

  7. Anonymous1:01 pm GMT-7

    "God uses people to write and speak into other people's lives" resonated with me as both a giver and receiver. As a giver, I need to obey Holy Spirit's nudges to speak into other people's lives. As a receiver, I need to be open to what others share with me, consulting Holy Spirit to ensure it's from Him. Criticism can be difficult to receive, but if it's from Holy Spirit, we can always trust that it's constructive and instructive.


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