January 20, 2023

A is for Authenticity - by Tracy Krauss

Authenticity is something I strive for in my writing, so this month's "A" theme was an easy choice.  I've noticed, however, that "Authentic" is a trendy word that has lost some of its meaning in recent years because of overuse. What does it really mean to write authentically?

For me, authenticity means writing from a place of passion, not necessarily following the latest trend. While we need to be mindful of our audience, readers can tell when you are writing from a place of passion. Our stories are more than the sum of their parts.  

It also means knowing your purpose. What motivates you to write? Follow that call. I've discovered that I want to minister to people, even through my fiction. God's grace is a recurring theme. It's why most of my work has a strong redemptive message. 

Some of my fiction has been called "edgy" although I think that term is becoming a bit dated. I prefer "authentic" in that I try to create characters and situations that are true to life. In other words, they are flawed and therefore don't always behave in the way they should, which leads directly back to the need for God's grace and redemption. Authenticity should also come through in their dialogue. Real people don't always speak the way they do in books or movies. Keeping the dialogue authentic is very important. 

I can't help but think of Polonius's advice in Hamlet, where he advises his son, "To thine own self be true." In other words, dare to follow your own call and conscience when it comes to your writing. 

Tracy Krauss writes from her home in northern BC. Visit tracykrauss.com for more


  1. Dear Tracy, I nodded enthusiastically all the way through your post. Huge yes to this: "...dare to follow your own call and conscience when it comes to your writing."
    Since I'm more of a follower than a leader, I've discovered that the best way for me to uncover my calling is to pray for God to open the doors He wants opened. And then I pray for the courage and wisdom to enter those doors.
    I admire your courageous writing life. You're ministering to us here by inspiring us to be authentic.
    Thank you & blessings.

    1. Amen to praying for God to open doors! Thank you for the wonderful job you are doing moderating this blog. Many blessings.

  2. Authenticity is a rarity in the written words of our times. We used to accept media news reporting as true. Now we have to figure out if we're being fed false news. Thank you for your authentic voice, Traci, and your encouragement to be authentic in our own writing.

    1. Isn't it strange, as you mentioned? We have all become very skeptical... Jesus help us!

  3. Love your authenticity and honesty in your writing, Tracy. Thanks for encouraging us to do likewise. Blessings on your day!

  4. Authenticity is much talked of, but sadly lacking in much of today's writings. I also picked up on the "dare to follow your own call" sentence as my takeaway from your post today. Thank you.

  5. Hi Tracy! Authentic writing is birthed by authentic people. This is you, my friend. You write from a, "place of passion," and it shows. We need real, "authenticity," these days so please keep it up. Blessings to you, your family, and your writing.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Alan. Many blessings to you as well, my friend.

  6. For me, "A" stands for AHEAD, because I have a book publishing soon! You made a good point, authenticity is truth, fuel.

  7. Thanks for such wise and encouraging words, Tracy! You were spot on when you quoted Shakespeare: "'To thine own self be true.' In other words, dare to follow your own call and conscience when it comes to your writing." Thanks for challenging all of us to follow our call and conscience--both enlightened by the Spirit!


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