July 13, 2021

Inspirational Memoir Inspires Us in a Special Way by Wendy L. Macdonald

Inspirational books are my favorite to read because they help me have more of an essential thing people would perish without. No doubt you’ve already guessed what I’m referring to (I’ll tell all at the end.). Even if you have, please join me as I share some words about one of my favorite genres.

This summer I’m reading a memoir by Anne Lamott. She’s the author of Bird by Bird which I read when I first started writing full-length fiction and nonfiction manuscripts. The book of hers I’m reading now is Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith. 

Her wonderful sense of humor—although a tad liberal-leaning at times—inspires me not to take myself or my spirituality too seriously. God doesn’t require me to get it perfect when it comes to the nonessentials of Christian doctrine. Love matters most. Legalism leads us astray.    

On the side, I’m also rereading two memoirs: One is by Ann Voskamp, The Broken Way, and the other is Rachel Held Evans’ book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood. These books have inspired me to consider trying a stunt memoir. They’ve also encouraged me to continue writing honest words. Neither of these writers appears self-conscious or overly self-focused. They tell their truth in a way that helps readers tap into God’s Truth: The freeing truth of His unconditional love for us.

Ann Voskamp’s beautiful writing reminds me not to hide my love of poetical-styled sentences. Reading her books has helped me hone my love of lovely language and creativity. 

Rachel Held Evan’s book helped me spot and reject some of the patriarchal structures of Church life that Jesus appears to have rejected. I no longer subscribe to manmade traditions as much as I did before my eyes were opened. Jesus respected women and elevated them. The clearing of my sight has given me more boldness to tackle sensitive topics with Christ-breathed confidence. 

Reading memoirs also helped me be more attuned to the stories percolating in my life and in the lives of those I love. The rich aroma of Christ is spread through the sharing of what He has done for and through us. This is the best kind of inspirational memoir. Allowing the heart-crushing experiences of our lives to release the beauty of God’s love, grace, and miracles onto pages provide the best cups of inspiration one can find in a bookstore. It’s overflowing goodness that gives readers courage and hope to hang on and see what God will also accomplish in their lives.

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Romans 15:4 NIV

Hope. Inspirational memoir helps me have hope God isn’t finished with my story yet.

Did you guess it was hope? I’m nosy-to-know what your favorite memoir is?

Blessings ~ Wendy Mac 

P.S. I completed my book proposal on time for the contest I was shortlisted in, and now I eagerly await the helpful tips promised to us. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement in my previous blog post. May God grant us His direction for our writing.


  1. I enjoy Anne and Ann's books for all the same reasons you do. Congratulations on completing your book proposal!

    1. Thank you, dear Lynn.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  2. Like you, Wendy, I love inspirational memoir, especially those by writers who share their own 'heart-crushing experiences ... to release the beauty of God’s love, grace, and miracles onto pages'. I enjoy reading Anne Lamott's refreshing honesty and followed Rachel Held Evan on social media. (I have yet to read any of her books - I understand the one she was working on before she died is about to be published; I think I'll search that one out first.)

    One memoir I enjoyed very much, since you asked, is by Canadian author Carolyn Weber, Surprised by Oxford. She is a skilled writer and her memoir reads like a fast-paced novel. She goes to Oxford for her graduate studies and is surprised by the journey her life takes while she is there. A lovely book.

    You mention being short-listed in a contest - all the best as you continue work on your book proposal. How exciting. Enjoyed your post - thank you, Wendy.

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. Memoirs that read like novels are wonderful. Although they tend to keep us up late turning pages.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

    2. Surprised by Oxford is on my to-read list; I'm happy to read your mini-review, Brenda.

  3. Thank you for this post, Wendy - for your honesty and for the wonderful suggestions.

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  4. Indian School Days is the latest memoir I read, actually I listened to it. Even though it's about a residential school, the author, who's name I can't remember, added in the mischief those boys got into. The best story was the rotten potato fight they had in the cellar and Father Rock got smack in the middle of it when he walked in. What a great movie that book would make!

    By the way, there's no such thing as "their truth" as truth is universal. It's only people's experience and not something that's exclusively true to them.

  5. Bruce, it sounds like that memoir was written wisely. Including humor helps readers not get overwhelmed by the sad parts.
    Yes, universal truth is what memoir should focus on so readers are served well.
    Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  6. Hope, hope, hope. Something so needed yet so lacking in the world today. Thanks for these lovely book suggestions to instil in readers what the world needs now.

  7. I too enjoy spiritual and inspirational memoir as well as conversion/transformation stories. Some recent reads I can recommend include, Stormie Omartian's Out of Darkness, Lecrae's I Am Restored, and Behind the Laughter by Anthony Griffith. It's amazing to read the stories of what God has done and is doing in people's lives!

  8. And yes, inspirational memoir does give us hope that God isn't finished with our stories either!!

  9. What a beautiful thought, Wendy! "The rich aroma of Christ is spread through the sharing of what He has done for and through us. This is the best kind of inspirational memoir. Allowing the heart-crushing experiences of our lives to release the beauty of God’s love, grace, and miracles onto pages provide the best cups of inspiration one can find in a bookstore." Thank you!


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