June 01, 2020

Writing Our Life Themes by Sandi Somers

The author Philip Yancey once said that whatever his topic, he ends up writing about pain. As he reaches out to those for whom life doesn’t seem to make sense, he often discovers that the root of their pain is a problem in their relationship with God. He stated that God’s mandate and challenge to Christ followers is to represent His love to a suffering world.[i]

Image by Kasia Mosaics
While Yancy’s theme is singular and focused, my themes are multifaceted—like a mosaic. God has taken many experiences, interests and callings, and is shaping them together into a design for my ministry to others.
Some of my themes come from the crucible of life. God has taken broken pieces of my fears, worries, trauma, and weaknesses, and brought healing to many of those areasIn turn, He is giving me opportunities to offer comfort, healing and restoration from desolation, and new life through God’s power. One scripture that has become very meaningful is, “(God) comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others” (2 Corinthians 1:4).
Another theme includes seeing God, both in the ordinary and in key turning points of my faith and the faith of others. Through a touch of His gentle presence, a word to my spirit, an unusual answer to prayer, and a new discovery, God transforms those experiences into moments of grace. I’ve written a number of what I call these “Divine Touches” to encourage others to see God in their circumstances, and to develop both a deeper faith and a greater vision of Himself.
A third theme began early as an interest in missions and other peoples of the world. Teaching in Colombia and later teaching English to immigrants and refugees has given me a wider compassion for internationals. I regularly pray for my former students and sponsored children, as well as connect with internationals at the grocery store, at church, and in my neighbourhood. 
If my life themes are the mosaic tesserae (pieces) of God’s plan for me, the glue that holds them together is spending time with Him and through prayer. When I do so, the Holy Spirit infuses me to ask in faith to receive answers that are far above what I’ve asked. But He has also reminded me to always pray and not to faint where I haven’t received answers—yet (Luke 18:1).
My ultimate purpose, however, is God’s ultimate purpose for me, and that is to glorify Him. Just as brilliant light shines through finished glass mosaics, my purpose is to shine God's glory through all I do.

Image by Modern Met
While writing this blog, two major words that have come to mind are “transformation” and “reconciliation”. Christ came to reconcile us to God and is transforming us. Then God has commissioned us for the ministry of reconciling others to Himself.  (2 Corinthians 5:18)
Working on this blog has opened up deeper lines of thought, and I have much more work to do in articulating and expanding my themes and the meaning and purpose to which God is calling me. I have written more extensively on some themes than others, and now God is prompting me to explore new potentials, delve deeper into His truth and increase my passion to continue His mission for me.
Each person has a specific message—a niche in God’s continuing story of redemption. Just as God chose and appointed Jeremiah as a prophet (Jeremiah 1:5), He has uniquely positioned us in our families, our geographic location and society. He has designed our message to fit in this timeline of history—a message of hope and love to a lost and confusing world that so needs Christ.

How has God called you to be part of His continuing story?
What redemptive themes percolate through your writing, speaking and singing ministries?
How has and is God empowering you to meet the needs of those around you and beyond? 

Note: For further reading on life themes, see some of our bloggers’ earlier discussions by Brenda Leyland, Marnie Pohlmann, Bob Jones, and Alan Anderson.

[i] Yancey, Where Is God When It Hurts? 2nd edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 1977, 1990. Preface.


  1. Thank you for the reminder Sandi, that God's placed each of us in our unique place for His purpose. Nothing is wasted by God and our themes connect ourselves closer to God as well as can bring others closer to Him. May you continue to be inspired with you writing as you delve into His truth.

    1. Thanks, Lynn, for your comments. How true it is that God never wastes anything in our lives. I look forward to reading your blog post!

  2. Sandi, the word 'reconciliation' caught my attention. "Christ came to reconcile us to God..." It brings to mind the Reconciliation we talk about here in Canada between the white and indigenous populations. Christ reconciled us to God by dying on the cross. I have to ask myself, would I, or other whites consider dying for our Native Canadians? How would that change our relations if we loved them that much?

    Now I have some pondering to do... :)

    1. Thanks for your challenge for us to extend God's commission of reconciliation to a wider world. You've given me a lot to ponder, too!

    2. PS Bobbi...You've reminded me that part of God's calling is to be a change agent in social justice issues that God lays on our hearts.

  3. "Transformation" and "reconciliation" - love both of these themes. I am really looking forward to this month. I think it is going to be a deep dive!

  4. Thanks, Tracy. I, too, am looking forward to "a deep dive" into the richness of what our bloggers have to offer!

  5. Thank you, Sandi, for your post to get us started on our theme for June. I like your line, "...my themes are multifaceted—like a mosaic." Now I am older I can see my life themes have also formed a mosaic. You have given me ideas on how to develop my post for this month. Thank you.

  6. Thanks, Alan, for your comments. I think it's true that as we mature we can see more themes and more complexity in those themes. I look forward to reading your post!

  7. I like the way you refer to God as shining through the broken pieces of your life, like light through stained glass. I’ve always loved the warmth and light radiating from you Sandi. 🤗

  8. Thanks for your words of affirmation, Pam! I'm delighted that you loved the image of God shining through the broken pieces. That's what He does when He redeems them.

  9. What a wonderful post. I particularly like the phrase "Each person has a specific message—a niche in God’s continuing story of redemption." We do each have our own niche, our own piece in the 'mosaic' of writers. This rich and thoughtful piece that has given me much to consider. Thanks very much.

    1. Thanks, Sharon! I look forward to what you will contribute as you ponder God's purpose and niche/themes for you!

  10. Thanks again, Dear Sandi, for the thoughts and efforts you put into the original prompts you present to us. Thanks also for the thoughts and messages you’ve given us in your introductory blog. You always get us started on something specific and yet open-ended. This blog is no exception to the pattern.

    Every part of your blog speaks to me of faith. I like the images of mosaics and stained glass windows. And this! "If my life themes are the mosaic tesserae (pieces) of God’s plan for me, the glue that holds them together is spending time with Him and through prayer. When I do so, the Holy Spirit infuses me to ask in faith to receive answers that are far above what I’ve asked. But He has also reminded me to always pray and not to faint where I haven’t received answers—yet (Luke 18:1).

    And the message of the stained glass! "God’s ultimate purpose for me. . . is to glorify Him. Just as brilliant light shines through finished glass mosaics, my purpose is to shine God's glory through all I do.” Well said, Sandi, and I believe, Well done.

    1. Thanks for your comments, Sharon. I'm so glad my blog has inspired you and your faith. Thanks also for the neat mosaic FB message your sent me.


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