June 29, 2020

Fall Conference Goes Virtual!

Due to Covid 19, the ICWF Annual Fall Conference will be online this coming September. 

Several members of the executive held a 'Mock/Trial' Conference in late May to work the 'bugs' out and it proved to be an amazing amount of fun, PLUS it went smoothly. So, never fear! Even if you think you aren't 'tech savvy' this year's conference is for you! When you register you can state whether you want help getting set up and we will have someone ready and willing to assist.

Registration is NOW OPEN at this link. There will be door prizes, workshops, speakers, awards, the fall contest winners, blue pencil, the AGM and so much more. Go to the link above for all the details.


  1. Thank you, executive, for going to all the work to set up the virtual FC! It will be a wonderful experience, although I can tell from all my other Zoom meetings that I will miss the in-person components of online meeting, all the nuances of meeting face-to-face, and those casual and sometimes profound moments of chatting with other attendees one-on-one.

  2. How wonderful! I get to attend without leaving home. It's like that Wild Wood Weed song. "Take a trip and never leave the farm." Computer problems not withstanding, I'll be there this year.


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