June 22, 2020

Beauty by Alan Anderson

In preparation for this month’s post I concentrated on one theme. As a creative person I try to capture beauty through my writing and my attempts at photography. I love and need beauty.

See Beauty
Almost every day hummingbirds eat from the feeder by our living room window. Their feathers refract light and produce the vibrant colours hummers are famous for. They are a beauty and pleasing to the eyes.

Feel Beauty
I am a hugger. One of the tough experiences during these pandemic times is an absence of those I hug. For the most part my hugger partner is my wife. We enjoy our hugs even after forty-two years of marriage.

To hug is to feel the beauty of another person on an emotional level. To hug helps lower our stress from the cares of life. Hugs give us a sense of belonging, empathy, and love. Hugs remind us we are not alone.

Hear Beauty
There are times where music seems the only medium to calm souls and help drown out the noise of life. I enjoy music in the background when I write. There are three pieces of classical music I never become tired of hearing.

1. Agnus Dei, by Samuel Barber, is from John 1:29, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” A sense of calmness permeates my soul and the words to write come flow on to the page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiuC_CaObbI

2. Miserere mei Deus, by Gregorio Allegri. The inspiration for this piece is taken from Psalm 51, where the psalmist pleads,

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.2 Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin!”

What makes, Miserere mei Deus, beautiful is there are no musical instruments throughout the song other than voices. Readers if you listen to Miserere mei Deus, allow yourself the gift of non-activity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3s45XOnYOIw

3. The musical masterpiece, “Hymn of the Cherubim,” by, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, is another magnificent way to calm one’s spirit as work progresses on a writing project. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPlK5HwFxcw

Beauty in silence. 
The silence mentioned here is what we may term good silence. Good silence allows us to be still to enjoy or reap benefits from a moment. Like anything else worthwhile silence takes time and energy. The result can be memorable for a lifetime.

In my last year as a chaplain I had a memorable time with a particular patient. She suffered a stroke and could no longer speak. I sat by her bed and smiled at her. She smiled back and reached out her hand. I held her hand, and she squeezed mine. She squeezed my hand again and tears dropped from her eyes. This visit together did not need words. I will never forget this moment of silence with this lady as she nurtured my soul.

Words of Beauty
I pray my words will strive for beauty whether spoken or written. I pray my words will be truthful and edify those who read them.

My beloved InScribe family, considering the sorrow of our world today let us continue to write words of faith and life. Whatsoever is lovely can be our message and beauty will find its way into troubled hearts.



  1. I'm glad to know another writer who likes music in the background. I love electronic music. It fires my imagination. There are no lyrics to distract me either.

    1. Hi Bruce! How's it going? Yes, I make it a habit to listen to quiet, more classical music when I write. In the warm days I like to sit outside with my notepad or laptop and write. If I can't hear birds singing I put on my headphones and block out the neighbour's lawn mower or other noise. This is all helps me connect with what I write. Thanks for the comment, my friend.

  2. thank you, Alan. This is 'beautiful"...

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Tracy.

  3. Alan, you have spotlighted a few precious points of beauty God has blessed us with n this world. It is a fine and honourable life theme, to look for, and point to, the beauty in the everyday. Thanks for writing about it so eloquently.

    1. Hi Valerie. Yes, I had to mention just a few in order to keep to the word count. :) I can always write a part two or three to this theme as I am sure all of us can. In all the sorrow going on in the world there is always beauty to behold.

  4. Yes. Music fills the soul! It is so beautiful when you don't have to speak and the other person knows exactly what you need. What a precious marriage you and Terry have. 💕

    1. Hi Vickie! Thanks for your comments. Perhaps when a couple has been married for a long time being together is its own form of heart music. Tha is how it is for us. :)

  5. Loved this post Alan. I relate to what you said about needing beauty in pour daily life. I will look up those songs you linked too. I love classical music as well. I am missing hugs too and sometimes I lean in for a big only to remember that I can’t! And I appreciate the silence too. especially sitting on the back deck and listening to the birds. I am encouraged by your post and hope that I too can share words of hope and beauty with others.

    1. Hi my pal, Pam. You are a natural writer who gives hope and beauty to people. We are needed in our day. I am homoured you are encouraged by my post. Yes, please listen to the music I included here. Take care and keep on writing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thanks for bringing beauty into my day Alan!

  8. I am happy to do so, Lynn. We can all encourage each other.

  9. Taking moments to appreciate beauty always brings life back to my soul. Thanks for these moments, Alan.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree with you, Joy. We need beauty for our souls. Thank you for your comments.

  10. I totally enjoyed your piece on Beauty today, Alan! I really loved the way you have taken the various aspects and given us a glimpse for each one. Plus, you've shared one of my favourite choral pieces with that Gregorio Allegri piece!

    Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,
    Brenda :)

    1. Hi Brenda. I love your taste in music. Your comment, "Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places," touches me. Bless you.

  11. Thanks for this post, Alan. I agree, we are definitely kindred spirits :) Keep sharing hope and beauty!

  12. Hi Ruth. Yes, indeed, kindred spirits. :) There is always time for hope and beauty, my dear friend. :)

  13. Hi Alan, I'm just now catching up on reading blog posts, and I was filled with reminders of the beauty all around us. Your comment resonated with me, "In all the sorrow going on in the world there is always beauty to behold." Yes, we need beauty, especially during these troubled days. You also commented, "We are needed in our day." On my walk this morning, God reminded me to praise Him for the beauty all around me. Perhaps God wants us to focus on Him and beauty all around us so that we can give hope to others in these days.God bless you as you continue writing for "beauty"!

  14. PS And I'll listen to the music you recommended. Some I know and some is unfamiliar.

  15. Hi Sandi. Yes, beauty and hope are commom these for us as writers. Thank you for your comments.

  16. Thank you for your refreshing article. It was a pleasure reading it. Look forward to more articles from you!



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