July 29, 2019

Fall Conference OPEN SPACE!

This year's Fall Conference is fast approaching and we are SO excited about the new format that we are trying this year. OPEN SPACE is coming to Fall Conference, and yes, it is a bit scary but very exciting, too!


In this model we do not have any workshops pre-planned, but will be utilizing the ideas of those who come to conference.

It will be structured but in an 'unstructured' kind of way. There will be an initial gathering where the concept will be explained and people will have a chance to share their ideas of what they would like to focus on/learn about. Then we will break into groups based on interest.

Colleen McCubbin has hosted more than one of these events so she will be our 'lead', but based on feedback from her events (not just from her but from other people who've attended them), it actually is a very satisfying experience. People learn what they want to learn - not arbitrary topics that might not really apply to them. Also, because of the interactive nature of the whole event, there are a lot more 'aha' moments. As a teacher, let me give you an analogy from the classroom: think of it as the difference between students listening to a lecture or collaboratively working together on a project. Learning takes place in both cases, and sometimes the second option might appear to be somewhat 'chaotic', but in the end, students tend to remember the second scenario more and feel as if they actually ingested and used the info rather than just 'in one ear and out the other'.

The person responsible for the suggestion during the initial gathering may act as the facilitator, but does not necessarily have to be 'in charge'. This means if you have a topic that you are passionate about you can come prepared to talk about it, (remembering that whether the topic of discussion actual ‘flies’ is totally dependent on attendee interest.) Conversely, if there is something you really want to learn more about but have no clue where to begin, you can suggest that as well and those that are also interested or have some knowledge will gather to share what they know.

Several people, such as exec who are comfortable doing so or others that Colleen may contact, will come prepared as 'back up' facilitators in case attendees are too shy/confused/intimidated to put topics up on the board. (In other words, we may have a few ‘plants’ to make sure it runs smoothly or to make sure one person doesn’t monopolize any particular group or turn it into a lecture.)

The 'laws' of open space will be clearly set out beforehand - example: 'the law of two feet' which means people can get up and leave any session and join another at any time. This means that the previous scenario probably won't happen because only those who want to be there will stay.

It's a lot to take in and will be a huge change, but I am excited about seeing it in action. Colleen did give us some links for more information in her article in FellowScript which may also help to explain it better.

Hope this helps to de-mystify the concept somewhat. I am super stoked about the event and can hardly wait to see how it will all work.

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