July 17, 2019

A Festival of Words - Gloria Guest

This week I have the opportunity to take in some of the Festival of Words, which is an annual author and writers gathering that happens every year in Moose Jaw. I love the word festival that was chosen. It conjures up the image of words dancing across the page in a party like atmosphere similar to music notes. Truly you have to be a writer to see words in such a way.
I have always seen the beauty in words and in the placing of words in the perfect sentence.  A well placed and thought out sentence is a beautiful thing.
Proverbs 25:11  says that “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” (KJV) Other versions refer to a word fitly spoken as ‘a design of gold’ (GNT); settings of silver; (NET) and as being ‘inscribed in silver.’ Although most versions refer to it as an oral word, the Good News Translation says, ‘An idea well-expressed is like a design of gold, set in silver.’ So I see it as applying to any form of expressing that idea, whether oral or written or another creative way. When it is done well and with expertise it becomes a valuable work of art; true beauty. Our written words truly do matter and have the potential to have much value in their ability to affect others.
When I listen to a reading at the festival I will listen for the cadence of the words, their meanings and how the author perfectly positions them in the sentence to make that sentence come alive. If that one sentence then joins other such sentences it is a true work of art. I will leave feeling the life of those words, stirred to create such beauty of my own.
Finally I cannot leave out the most beautiful, valuable words ever written, which is the Word of God. God used the spoken word to bring the world into existence and then He used the written word to tell His Story to us all. His words dance across the page; sometimes in  sad and heartbreaking steps and other times in joyous jubilation, but all joined in the telling of the beautiful, festive story of His love for us. There is nothing more beautiful than that.

Books are beautiful (as are cats ;) 
Gloria writes from Caron Sk. gloria.guest@wordpress.com


  1. I grew up near Moose Jaw and have wanted to attend the Festival ofd Words for quite a few years now... maybe someday I will make it!

  2. You'd really enjoy it. There are so many authors and writers there, it's fantastic. I'm not getting to take in very much this year but even a little is fun. Maybe a group of Inscribers should come one year :)

  3. I loved your piece and how you referred to the Word of God as festive - it really is!

  4. I enjoyed your post, Gloria, and found pleasure in the flow and in the cadence of your words and sentences. I was especially drawn to these lines:

    - "A well placed and thought out sentence is a beautiful thing."

    - "His words dance across the page; sometimes in sad and heartbreaking steps and other times in joyous jubilation, . . . telling of the beautiful, festive story of His love for us." Oh yes!

  5. Thanks Brenda. God was and is the best author ever.

  6. How wonderful that you got to participate in the Festival of Words in Moose Jaw. I believe some of our Women Word Weavers from Barrhead attended this a few years back. I haven’t heard of them gong lately.

  7. I too love apt words. An example of fitly-written lyrics is Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start The Fire. The names and events he listed are so evocative. The same is true of Kraftwerk's lyrics.


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