July 04, 2019

Beautiful Handiwork by a Loving God - by Susan Barclay

I'm currently in the throes of eldercare and unfortunately my writing time is pretty limited. Ergo, I'm going to take a little different spin on this month's theme of beauty and share some song lyrics (written by others) that have impacted and encouraged me and which continue to do so. Take a minute to watch the videos. I hope they bless you.

1. Beautiful by Amanda Lindsey (Falk) Cook 

The enemy tries to deceive people into thinking they're less than they are, unworthy, hardly made in God's image. This song speaks the truth of who we are in God's sight. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Never forget that.
Your real beauty starts inside of you
You're beautiful the way you are
You don't have to look too far
To find your worth, Believe it's true
Your real beauty starts inside of you

 2. You're Beautiful by Annika Barclay with Lindsey Minaker 

This one reminds me not to trust what I see in the mirror or what others say about me. What God says is far more true and meaningful than what self-doubt whispers or what people may sneer. God is trustworthy and cannot lie; He knows me and loves me. He has good plans and a purpose for me.  And that goes for you as well.
God sees you, God knows you
Trust Him when He says, "You're beautiful"

3. Something Beautiful by Steven Curtis Chapman

No one on the planet gets through life unscathed, without suffering a little damage. We all go through trials and experience hardship. Even that person whose life looks so golden has known hurt or secret shame or pain. This song encourages believers to give our brokenness and trouble to God. He's the One who works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes (Romans 8:28).
God says
I'm gonna turn it into something different
I'm gonna turn it into something good
I'm gonna take all the broken pieces
And make something beautiful like only I could
So put it all in the hands of the Father
Give it up, give it all over to
The only one who can turn it into
Something beautiful

And now a couple of numbers for those who enjoy the oldies.

4. Something Beautiful by Bill Gaither

This one stands the test of time because its message is true. It's a very similar message to the Steven Curtis Chapman piece above. Even though we don't understand why things happen the way they do at times, God is omniscient; He's never surprised. He sees the big picture. He knows what He's doing and how it's all going to play out and come together. Struggles refine us, they draw us closer to the Lord and mold our character. We may only be able to offer Him our brokenness and strife, but if we're willing to give it over to Him and obediently follow Him, He can do amazing things in us and through us. 
Something beautiful, something good
All my confusion He understood
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife
But he made something beautiful of my life

 5.  He's Still Working on Me by the Hemphills

Often thought of as a child's ditty, this chorus gives me hope and makes me smile. Good news, everyone: God's not finished with us yet. He's making diamonds out of dust (but that's a whole other song)!
He's still working on me
To make me what I need to be. . .
How loving and patient He must be
'Cause He's still workin' on me

Aren't you glad it's not over yet?

What songs have impacted and encouraged you, reminding you of who are you are and who God is? 
 You can find out more about Susan Barclay's writing at www.susan-barclay.blogspot.com 


  1. Thank you, Susan! I enjoyed your post and I especially appreciated being reminded of that old Gaither song "Something Beautiful". I have always loved that piece, and I remember how it encouraged me to trust that He would/could make something beautiful of my life. Looking back, I see that He has been doing that very thing for me and for so many of us. So grateful.

    Best blessings...
    Brenda xox

    1. Thank you, Brenda. It's true that it's in the looking back that we can see God's fingerprints all over our lives. And it does inspire a response of gratitude for His faithfulness and love.

  2. Thanks for your musical take on this month’s topic. We often think of writing as writing in prose or poetry of some kind or another, but writing can be writing the lyrics for a song or writing the actual score of music. I cannot imagine a world without music, which makes me thankful for my hearing. The songs you have shared with us, Susan, are songs of praise to God, each beautiful in its own way. Thanks for the music. Do you by any chance write music, Susan?

    1. I have written one song lyric, Sharon, and am hopeful that one day I'll find someone willing to put it to music. Otherwise, in addition to my many writing interests, I do write poetry. In fact, since I have so little time to write these days, I've decided to try writing one poem a day, starting tonight!


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