July 03, 2019

Bringing Beauty Into Places by Lynn J Simpson

It's been a dream of mine to see beauty in places that currently hold advertisements full of words and pictures. 

These billboards, these advertisements glued on bus benches, hockey rink boards, store entries, etcetera can make us wonder that if we had such and such, or look like such and such, or had more friends like such and such, maybe we'd be happier, more content, and less stressed. 

However, I wonder what if those advertisements that are known to leave us feeling discontent, stressed, and overall unhappy, were replaced with a breathing space picture instead? 

In 2017, I self-published a reflective journal that included full page nature pictures that I called breathing spaces, to help create a mind-set of calm and clarity when reflecting on your day. Studies have shown that just looking at a picture of nature decreases stress hormones, clearing your mind so you just simply feel better. My hope was that the 10 minute activity of reflecting on one's day with a nature picture in view, would help one feel grateful and at peace so less likely to be angry at that driver who may cut them off on the way to work, or that person who steps on their toe while riding the transit. 

And overall, just make the world a bit of a kinder place.

I believe that is why it is so important to share our beautiful writings and other art works into the world--to make it a place where kindness spreads starting with a peaceful, content, and loving mindset.

Maybe one day I'll ride the city train where advertising spaces have become photos of maritime shorelines, the wide-open fields of the prairies, and the majestic rocky mountains. 

Can you imagine that? 

Psalm 95:3-5
"For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land."


  1. The photos you shared are truly stunning. Definitely 'calendar' worthy!

  2. What a worthy principle of using nature in picture or in reality to calm our stress hormones. Oh, that we would take even those few precious moments to smell the roses, watch the clouds in the sky above us, and reflect on Our Father God, Creator of all things beautiful.. Thanks, Lynn, for this wonderful reminder.

    1. Even cloudy, grey skies can have beauty and reflect God's promise that He's with us through our storms. I'll be making sure to smell my roses that are blossoming right now in my front garden. Thank you for that reminder, Sharon!

  3. I love your thoughts. And yes, feeling grateful adds to our inner peace too.
    Btw, that second photo is spectacular. I love it so much.

  4. Thanks Lynda! That photo was taken on a chilly September day in Jasper, Alberta.

  5. I love your dream Lynn. There is always room for beauty. Your post reminds me never to lose an appreciation for all that is beautiful in this world. Your words comfort and the photos you share cause a twinkle in my eyes as I'm excited about beauty all around me.Thank you Lynn! :)

  6. Dear Lynn, what a beautiful post and dream you have. It would be wonderful if sponsors paid for the nature pictures to be placed in city spots where people could see them. The sponsor's name could be printed in small lettering on the bottom corner.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  7. Oh yes, I can imagine it, Lynn!Thank YOU for this lovely, lovely post. I am especially draw to these lines: "... it is so important to share our beautiful writings and other art works into the world--to make it a place where kindness spreads starting with a peaceful, content, and loving mindset."

    What a beautiful dream you have.


  8. God has blessed me with nature right outside my little house on the prairie. Towering pines grace my bedroom, laundry room, and bathroom. There's a brilliant display of canola flowers cheering up the view too. My kitchen window is especially picturesque with trees and a lovely field. My back yard is an oasis of calm, complete with used concrete sidewalk blocks making a checkerboard of greys. Though there's a dying hamlet in view of the living room and my writing office, it's across the tracks. Those large windows show me the glory of heaven's ever-changing moods as I write. My windows are also appreciated by Athena. That cat enjoys watching the birds fluttering around.


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