July 13, 2019

Beauty Boasts a Builder by Wendy L. Macdonald

There’s a beautiful gift God gives me whenever I choose to follow His lead.

 It started in the 1980’s when I was a newlywed and a new believer in Christ. I’ve often wondered how many gifts I’ve missed through disobedience to His nudges; but for today, I’m going to focus on the times I got it right.
It usually goes something like this:

“Wendy, would you like to get away for the afternoon, evening, day, weekend etc.?”

My husband often asks me this question. The Holy Spirit adds a gentle nudge to my spirit so I’m less likely to say “No thanks.”

When I say “Yes”, it’s usually after I’ve battled my tendency to trust routines rather than rest in the Lord’s leading.

My conscience usually wins. I set aside whatever I’ve planned to do, and I go on an adventure with my husband.

These adventures have led me to enjoy the beauty of creation in ways I wouldn’t have otherwise. 

They are glorious times when beauty begged me to write about it in my journal, blog, and/or podcast.

I even guest posted about one adventure. It was regarding a long-weekend camping trip I came close to skipping out on. During that camp out, I had my first encounter with wild porpoises. 

Sometimes my adventures with my husband have been simple day trips that gifted me with beautiful nature pictures to share on my Facebook page. The latest one was a trip down island to Coombs where we enjoyed Butterfly World. And if you know anything about me, you know I didn’t rush through the exhibit. I took tons of pictures. I took so many shots, that the next time I was out and about, I didn’t bother to bring my camera because my trigger finger needed a rest.

Sometimes my adventures with my husband are not so simple. One day he asked me to go on a boat ride with him that took us over some potentially dangerous waters. 

Again, my conscious told me to trust God rather than submit to fear.

 On that trip we witnessed so much bald eagle beauty that I shared it on my blog, YouTube, and podcast links. 

Beauty boasts a Builder. That’s why I believe it’s important for inspirational writers to tap into the way creation calls our attention to the Creator. No matter how marvellous a writer someone may become, no one’s words can outshine the glory of God’s artwork found in nature. 

 Each sunset, sunrise, soaring eagle etc. speaks a billion words of His beauty. 

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20 NIV

Each display of our Creator’s glory reminds us to say yes to adventures He desires to include in our life story.

I’m nosey-to-know if you’ve recently witnessed natural beauty because you chose to go on an impromptu adventure?  Did you write about it?

Beautiful Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

P.S. If you’re nosey-to-see more butterfly pictures I took at Butterfly World (I hope you are.), please follow this link to my recent post about that spontaneous adventure: Butterflies and Encouragement for Your Faith 


  1. If we are willing to open our "eyes" and look around us, it is truly amazing where the Holy Spirit will and can lead us to inspiration! Great post, Sis!!

    1. Thank you, Pastor Roland. I'm grateful for a God who opens eyes and saves souls so we can enjoy and glorify Him forever.

      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. This is such a wonderful post Wendy! It sounds like you and I share in having married men who like to go on adventures. I must admit, I have not always been a willing participant, but it usually turns out to be worthwhile - even if just for the stories I can write about later!

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. God's the greatest matchmaker, isn't He? What better match is there for a careful introvert/writer than a spontaneous adventurer who longs to show her the world. My man's been taking me out of my comfort zone since the day we met. We're blessed, dear writing friend.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Oh gosh, the Lord knows I need my mini adventures weekly! And yes, we are so blessed with His beauty that there are never a lack of new adventures.

    1. What a splendid thought, dear Lynn, that there is "never a lack" with God. Enjoy your summer full of adventures. :)
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  4. My husband and I jumped in our vehicle late one evening recently and went storm chasing. We didn't really 'catch' the storm but we sat on an isolated dark country trail in the middle of the prairies and watched a fantastic lightning show light up the skies. God's power and beauty in a brilliant display.

    1. Wow, dear Gloria, that sounds like it was an amazing adventure. A symphony in the sky.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  5. Hi Wendy! Thank you for this adventurous and fun post. My wife and I live five minutes away from miles of mountains, water bodies, eagles, the Fraser River, and no crowds. I take a lot of my photos for my blog posts just a few minutes away. I love how I can picture your adventures in the way you write. I also concur having a fun spouse to love life with makes it all the more full and fun.

    1. Thank you, Alan. Enjoying nature with "no crowds" and with a "fun spouse"--it doesn't get any better than that.
      Blessings to you both as you go on more adventures together ~ Wendy Mac

  6. My hubby and I love jumping in the car and going for drives out in the countryside. We usually pack tea and sandwiches. There is something so restful to the soul to leave the fray of the city for a while and let the solace of nature fill our 'wells'. So grateful to the One who made it all for us to enjoy.

    Thank you so much for a lovely post, Wendy. Here's to many more adventures.


    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. Sandwiches served in the "solace of nature" sounds sumptuous.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  7. I admire God's beauty in my cat, Athena. She has eyes of jade and lovely whiskers. Her coat is brown with bands of deep gold. Her tummy and paws are creamy white. She has a beige blaze on her nose and forehead. I love her cute ears. Athena also has a fluffy tail that feels so nice when I thread it through my fingers. I admire the way God made cats to be hunters. Athena caught one a few days ago. And since I adopted Athena because her former owner didn't want her anymore, I feel blessed to be her new servant and admirerer.

    1. Athena sounds like she lives up to her lovely name. I happen to have a Himalayan Persian cat whose tail is a treat to brush and pet. Often I wonder if God purposely made pets so beautiful because He wanted us to enjoy them. Yes. I'm sure of it. God is good. :)
      Enjoy Athena.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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