November 13, 2018

Writing Obstacles as Object Lessons by Wendy L. Macdonald

The biggest and most pervasive obstacle to my writing life is also a blessing in more ways than I have time to elaborate in one blog post. I wish I could say I didn’t suffer angst over the recent arrival of a string of interruption-shaped obstacles.

My first response was: Really, God? What were You thinking?

Thankfully, I'm hooked on quiet times with God. No matter how lousy or lazy I feel, I show up to read my Bible, pray my prayers, and listen for His morning message. It’s gotten to the point that the worse I feel, the more intrigued I am about how He’s going to lift my dry bones out of the ditch.

He always revives me—always restores me.

His word is hidden in my heart so I won’t give up on my life, or give up on my writing life. I need it daily.

What I’ve learned from my recent struggle to find time to write is that He is able to multiply the little bits of opportunities I do have. I’ve become more flexible with jumping into a project when a small window opens. I’ve learned to say no to new stuff if I am too busy with old stuff.

One-day-at-a-time writing has enabled me to meet my deadlines for both blogs I contribute to. Plus, I have a weekly podcast I produce for HopeStreamRadio I’m amazed how God has not only helped me get them done in time, He’s helped me write deeper while I wade through the flood waters of a busy life. 

I can’t take the credit for any of this because it’s God who enables me to keep writing. There are people praying about my situation. They know the details that nearly derailed my writing. And whenever I’m tempted to give up, I think to myself: God will encourage me if He thinks I should keep blogging and podcasting.

Sure enough, within twenty-four hours of thinking this trustful thought, the Lord sends me a blessing through my quiet time and/or through a reader of my Facebook page etc. He reminds me He has given me a job to do. His heart-hugging encouragements make the discouragements worth suffering through.

And that’s just it: Obstacles offered to God become object lessons for our faith.

When writing isn’t easy, it’s easy for God to draw my attention to His chalkboard. When I look up, I get a one-on-one faith lesson. How good is that? I now understand what He was thinking when He allowed an obstacle course of interruptions into my writing life in the first place.
What was He thinking? His thoughts were busy building up a faith that’s more precious than a gold medallion stamped onto a book.

Bring on the obstacles; my God won’t leave me stranded on the roadside of this writing life.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, 
who have been called according to his purpose.
 Romans 8:28 NIV

The hard places press me closer to Christ when I trust He’s in control of my life.

I’m nosey-to-know if you have any tips for writing during a season of unpredictability. 


  1. What a wonderfully encouraging post Wendy! Thanks

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. I know you're familiar with obstacles. Well done in writing your way through it all.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Your words of testimony are words of inspiration for me, Wendy. Thank you and may God continue to bless you in turning your obstacles, with God's help, into opportunities.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. With His help we can turn obstacles into praise items. May He grant us the faith to believe He is working all things for good.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Wendy, this post was so very timely for me as I'm living through a season of obstacles which come in the shape of little people who call me Grandma.
    The sweetest obstacles on the planet, mind you, but still obstacles to what I think my writing life should look like. But you're right. God blesses the tiny writing moments I do have. Thank you for the encouragement.


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