December 22, 2016

The Precious Gift of Today By Alan Anderson

"Show me, LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is. Psalm 39:4

Our writing prompt asks, what comes to mind with the word “gift”? I think of the gift of today. I thank God for every day I live. I hope that doesn’t sound trite dear reader? There are all sorts of other gifts that come to my mind but I have settled on today. A day can include many things.

Today I spent time with some of my teachers. My teachers remind me of the daily treasure of breathing. Breathing is something I may take for granted unless my asthma shows its ugly face. Often my teachers struggle to breathe. Healthy days are behind them.

My teachers remind me our days are fleeting. Scripture lays that out for me as well. I am all too aware that things go sour in the world. Some of my teachers live in days of misery. I often come alongside people who are dying. They teach me to live for today even under the shadow of suffering.

The gift of today touched my heart. A woman my wife knows came to our home. Her son died due to a mistake of his doctors. She said she and her family would make the best they can of Christmas. Her grief gave me a gift of tears. I couldn’t help it. I thought of my own children and grandchildren. I want to hold my family close today.

Knowing my life is fleeting causes me to pause. I take time to thank God for His daily mercy. The gift of today, oh how sweet! Today I listened to leaves rustling in the trees. Today I beheld the bright presence of the sun. The mountains around me look gorgeous in their blankets of snow. They are living postcards. A gift of God’s beauty in the cold of a winter day!

I don’t know the number of my days. I do know that they are fleeting. I may be past my best by date. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I have lived long enough to know my life has a termination date. As God’s word says, “So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90: 12). My life here will one day end.

I am mindful of the beauty of each day. I didn’t always see this precious treasure. The wisdom of listening to my teachers impresses on me to embrace today. Today is a gift and I thank God for it!



  1. I love your voice, Alan. So gentle and easy to read. Like a deep breath of fresh air. Restful. My favourite part of your post today is that you call the people you spend time with your teachers. I will start to look at others in my life that way now too. Thank you for your post.

    1. Thank you Joylene! I appreciate your encouragement. Yes, my teachers have taught me for years. We teach each other. I can tell you are an amazing teacher.

  2. Agree with Joylene, Alan. And the gift of today 'trite'? Hardly!!

    1. Hi Susan! Thank you for seeing the gift of every day my friend!

  3. Very thought provoking. thank you for your honesty and openness Alan. YOU are also a gift!

    1. Thank you Tracy! I'm sure as a wise teacher you have loved many teachers yourself. You taught me to share my heart words with others. I am so grateful to you!

  4. How true, Alan! When we are close to someone whose days seemed to have been cut short, we are so much more aware of the gift of each day.

  5. I am tired from not sleeping well last night, so I will soon stop for a nap. Being a senior and somewhat retired, I can do that, and for that I am thankful. This morning a friend stopped over with a couple boxes of jam jars that my husband will eventually fill and give away. My friend, my husband and I had a visit over coffee.

    Our son stopped in for an impromtu lunch and visit. We got caught up on a few things and batted a few ideas around.

    Another friend, who happens to walk around in bermuda shorts this time of year, stopped in so we could exchange some treats. We hadn't seen his graysome beard and smiling face for a while. That too was a gift.

    Thanks, Alan, for reminding us ever so gently to give thanks for the gift of today and all that holds.
    Your thoughtful story also is a gift. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hello Sharon! Thank you for taking the time to share your gifts with me.

  6. Alan, your words are beautiful, true, and comforting. We treasure today, but also treasure that when our days God has numbered on earth are done, our days of eternity will just begin.


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