December 06, 2016

A Blessed Gift by Glynis M Belec

Christmas is a time for laughter and for love. 

To thank the Lord, our God, for His Gift sent from above.

We celebrate with presents and trees adorned with lights

               We know that Jesus Christ was born on that star-lit night. 

Everyone is happy. There is caring all around

"Peace on Earth. Goodwill to men," is an ever-present sound. 

Yet sometimes, though we don't intend, we lose sight of the reason

The focus shifts away from Christ, at times, throughout the season. 

We rush to stores to buy the best for each one on our list.

With endless toys and precious gifts. There's no one we have missed. 

Let's not be blinded by the lights and tinsel on our trees.

Let's rejoice at Christmas time and fall down on our knees. 

The shepherds kneeled before the Lord and bowed their heads in prayer.

Our Saviour, Christ, was born that night - the news spread everywhere. 

So as we gather 'round the tree with friends and family

Do it in His blessed Name for all the world to see. 

Thanks be to God for his indescribable Gift! 

2 Corinthians 9:15


  1. Beautiful, dear fellow-poet friend... and amen!

  2. Thanks for this reminder, Glynis, to "Fall on (our) knees and hear the angels' voices. We will indeed be celebrating a very holy night. Amen!

  3. I become annoyed about the dominance of Santa at Christmas, so I quite like your "kneeling, praying Santa" illustration for the points you are making.

  4. Anonymous6:28 am GMT-7

    Violet Moore in Manitoba (in the midst of a 3-day blizzard so far :)
    Thank you, Glynis, for this timely reminder, to us humans who forget so quickly! I like that even Santa kneels in reverence. As you so succinctly pointed out; Everyone and everything falls into place when we keep Christ in the right priority.
    And a Merry and Blessed Christmas to you.


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