December 02, 2016

Just the Right Gift by Marcia Lee Laycock

The Right Gift

My family starts thinking about Christmas at Thanksgiving because that's when we are usually all together and can "pick names," selecting the person we will buy for that year. We started using the wish list method a few years ago, to make the buying easier. Everyone sends their lists to me and I send them out to the rest of the family.

I always enjoy reading the lists - it's quite interesting how everyone's personality comes out in the things they ask for. For instance, one of my sons-in-law is usually quite specific about his requests - it's not just a pair of socks, it's a pair of black socks made of a certain blend of material and patterned in a certain way. This year item number one was a series of baseball trading cards - very specific cards of certain players from certain years. I shook my head when I read it. Where on earth would we ever find such a thing?

About two weeks after receiving his list I participated in a fund-raiser for a local group. They had a silent auction as well as a number of booths set up with all kinds of Christmas gift ideas. I sighed as I wandered among them, wishing I could get some of my shopping done, but not too hopeful about finding what was on those lists. Then I saw it - a small sign - "Baseball Trading Cards." I blinked and stepped closer.

There were a few packs of cards along with a book. Not knowing anything about baseball, I hesitated. What if these weren't the cards he wanted? What if I had to make a high bid and it was a disappointment to him? Then I felt that little nudge in my spirit. "This is a gift. Just accept it." I took a step closer. I wrote down my name and put a dollar amount beside it. When I won the item, I smiled. Even if the dates on the cards were wrong, at least my son-in-law would know I tried to get him what he wanted.

When I got home later that day I immediately went to my computer and looked at the Christmas lists. I sat back in stunned wonder when I read that number one item from my son-in-law. Not only were the cards of the players he wanted, the dates on the cards I had won were exactly the dates he specified! Then I smiled again. I couldn't stop thinking about the look on his face when he opened that present. I knew he would be "over-the-moon" happy.

Then I thought about that nudge when I hesitated to put a bid on the auction sheet. "This is a gift. Just accept it."

That's what God the Father says to the world every year at Christmas time. He presents His Son, the one who died for the sins of this sad weary world, and says, this is my gift to you, accept Him. All we have to do is admit we need the sacrifice that happened over 2000 years ago, because we all have sinned and continue to "fall short" as Romans 3:23 says. 

Because Jesus gives us the wondrous gift of His righteousness we are able to sign our names into the book of life and accept what He offers - eternal life with Him. It's why we celebrate His birth - the birth of Jesus who was sent to die for us all.

This is a gift. Just accept it. 

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6).


Marcia Lee Laycock writes from central Alberta Canada where she is a pastor's wife and mother of three adult daughters. She was the winner of The Best New Canadian Christian Author Award for her novel, One Smooth Stone. The sequel, A Tumbled Stone was short listed in The Word Awards. Marcia also has four devotional books in print and has contributed to several anthologies. Her work has been endorsed by Sigmund Brouwer, Janette Oke, Phil Callaway and Mark Buchanan. 
Marcia's latest release is Christmas, a small book of short stories that will take you from the outer reaches of the galaxy to the streets of an inner city and the cold landscape of the far north. In each unusual setting the Christmas Spirit is alive and well. Available now on Amazon

Visit Marcia's website


  1. I love how God cares about every aspect of our lives! What a great story!

  2. Loved your blog, Marcia. Isn't it right that God often holds out perfect gifts for us but we don't always open our hands to receive them? Gifts don't fit into closed fists!

    1. So true, Ruth. Thanks for leaving a comment. :)

  3. Thanks for this beautiful story, Marcia. I'm always thrilled to hear of God's gracious ways of answering us.

    1. Thanks Sandi - these kinds of stories always thrill me too! :)

  4. Loved your story, Marcia, and how God just asks us to accept a gift.

  5. Thanks for sharing this amazing story, Marcia, and the even more amazing story you share of God giving us his only begotten son to die for our salvation. The cards--that has to be more than mere coincidence. Is this also God's way of showing you, and us, how he is willing to care for us in the smaller challenges of life as well? This story makes me smile.

  6. And I continue to marvel about how God cares about the details. Lovely post, Marcia.

  7. Wonderful post, Marcia. Your son-in-law will be very happy. I hope he doesn't read this story in advance of Christmas day! A great reminder of how personal our God is and how great His love for us.


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