December 20, 2016

That's What Christmas is All About, Charlie Brown - Joylene M Bailey

by J.M.Bailey

God creating
Ages passing
Mankind struggling, warring, hoping
Prophets warning
Darkness sinking
Painful steps and slow

Father reaching
Gabriel bidding
Mary trembling, trying, trusting
Joseph reeling
Angel speaking
Mary, did you know


Livestock lulling
Dung heap reeking
Manger waiting, holding, cradling
Mary nuzzling
Joseph shielding
Royal beauty bright

Shepherds minding
Night sky bursting
Angels swelling, praising, lauding
Outcasts scouring
Baby drawing
To Thy perfect light

Heavens glowing
New star charming
Magi tracking, chasing, seeking
Herod killing
Mothers wailing
Forms are bending low

Baby growing
Manchild teaching
Jesus living, leading, loving
Students wond’ring
Masses crowding
Rest unto your souls


Saviour dying
Soldiers gaming
Mary weeping, wond’ring, watching
Father leaving
Satan roaring
Silent stars go by

Gospel spreading
Ages passing
Man rejecting, struggling, praying
Rulers vying
Angels battling
Still we see Thee lie


Shoppers jostling
Cashiers cringing
Devil scheming, cheating, lying
Santas jingling
Trickster duping
Making spirits bright


Father reaching
Jesus bidding
Spirit moving, sealing, guiding  
Angels fighting
Mankind’s hurting
Met in Thee tonight

+ + +

photo courtesy of pixabay

Joylene will be spending Christmas at home in Edmonton with her husband, 5 grown kids, 2 grand babies, and a cat named Calvin. Check out more of her writing at Scraps of Joy.

Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Oh my, Joy! That's beautiful! Powerful. I am truly moved.

  2. love, Love, LOVE this!!!!! Course, I am always a sucker for a good poem; this one hit me deeply. THANKS!

  3. Beautiful. I need to come back and read it a few more times!
    Pam M.

  4. Wonderful Joy - you demonstrate the power of single words used well.

  5. Your lovely and meaningful poem makes my spirits bright, Joylene. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  6. That is gobsmackingly beautiful, Joylene. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  7. Nice! Thanks for posting.

  8. Thanks, everyone, for your kind words. Merry Christmas!

  9. What a beautiful retelling of the Christmas story. Still applicable to life today. Love the flow and the message. Thank, Joy.

  10. Thank you, beautiful and creative-loved the use of a frequent familiar line.

  11. I love this. Thank you for linking to it, making it fresh for a new Christmas season.


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