There is a story about a boy who was walking along the ocean shortly after a tidal wave. The enormous whoosh of water had washed thousands of starfish onto the sandy beach. The boy picked up one stranded starfish at a time and threw it back into the ocean. A man walked by and said, “Son, why are you bothering? You will never be able to throw them all back. All your effort isn’t even going to matter.” The boy bent down, picked up another star fish, wound up to throw it into the ocean, then said, “It will matter to this one.”
The memory of this story keeps me grounded when I am pestered by those thoughts “why bother, your efforts aren’t even going to matter.” I am reminded that it may be about just ONE reader, and that is ok.
I believe that even if Jesus’s death on the cross saved just a single person, He still would have done it.
If we are called to help just ONE, may our works be done with the same heart as if it were for many.
“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10
We tend to measure our writing worth by the numbers of likes, friends, re-tweets, list size or book sales. It is easy to become discouraged when we don’t have numbers to back up our efforts. However, we need not worry, these numbers will not be recorded beside our name in the book of life.
We may never sell a million copies of our writings, or be in Oprah’s book club. Rather, it may be about just one.
ONE blog post that comforts someone in deep despair.
ONE story that pours light into a reader’s darkness.
ONE comment that encourages another to keep going.
ONE birthday card that reminds someone that they matter.
ONE stranded soul who is rescued by your words and led back into the ocean.
Write on a piece of paper, “there is power in ONE,” then tack it above your desk. When you become discouraged in your writing efforts, may you be reminded that your message may be for ONE…ONE worthy and precious child of God.
There have been times when I have read something that has changed my world, and the author may never know. Perhaps it was an author who said to themselves “Why bother? Does this even matter?”
I tell you…it mattered to THIS ONE!
I would like to thank you all for your encouragement, insight and love throughout my InScribe blogging journey. The Lord is now taking me on a new leg of the race. I have prayerfully decided to step away from being a regular contributor to this blog. I look forward to continuing to read your contributions.
May the Lord breathe inspiration and blessings into all of your works.
And always remember that you are an integral part of the body of Christ!