Then I started thinking and I realized trying to figure out who was my greatest influence in writing wasn't going to be as easy as I first thought.

I attended my first school years in Scotland and although I don't recall names, I remember teachers appreciating my little stories.
Then when we emigrated to Canada, I remember, better, Addy McLeod. Mrs. McLeod was my grade six teacher and was very protective of me. She drove the bullies away who made fun of my British accent and school uniforms. She told me to take no notice of them and to concentrate on my school work instead. I tried. She rewarded me with genuine praise and when she saw I could write, she was always looking for opportunities for me to pursue.

When I hit high school I also remember well, both Mr. Magee and Mr. Brown. Mr. Magee once wrote on the board, "A gum-chewing girl is like a cud-chewing cow" because one of my classmates was nabbed with her Bazooka bubblegum. He was tough but he was a gem to me. His passion was for Shakespeare and the English language was rampant and contagious. I learned to love it, too. The way he strung words together fascinated me and he often told me how he appreciated my stories.
And Mr. Brown - my Latin teacher. He was a little doddery - I think he walked on his tip-toes, if I remember correctly. But I loved him and his passion and expertise taught me to love Latin. He always had a lovely smile and the patience of Job. Mr. Brown helped me to realize the structure and declension of Latin and how it laid the foundation for the English language. I was fascinated and was hooked on root words.
Then later, as part of my entry exams into the nursing program, I was required to write an essay on some aspect of health or safety. I passed that part with flying colours (I wrote a humorous piece about standing on a razor in the shower) and scored an A+. Later the prof told me it was funny, profound and well-written. It started me thinking!
Then final confirmation that writing might just be a good second career choice, happened after I was married and a stay at home Momma Bear with two busy cubs. I took them to the library one day and it was there I spotted the poster for the county wide contest. I entered it and won!

One more thing. September 3, 1987 - I gave my life to the Lord and I committed my head, heart and soul. Shortly after that life-changing experience, the doors started to open and bought my first Smith Corona. . .
"Write for Me," He whispered. That's been my greatest influence and motivation, ever since.
“My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.” Psalm 45:1
This makes me think, Glynis. Looking through the eyes of your teachers who took the time to tell you what they thought, and to encourage you, I'm reminded how important it is that we, as adults do the same for the young people who cross our paths. We never know what seed we may be watering, what plant we may be fertilizing.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how we think something might be easy to write about and then when we get's not so easy after all.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher I appreciate stories of how teachers made a difference. its what I strive to do and i certainly have teachers from my past who encouraged me.
ReplyDeleteLike Tracy, I too appreciate your stories about how you were influenced by your teachers. As a teacher,I also tried to connect with my students on an individual basis. I heard recently of a man, who said he credited his grade one teacher with some of his success, because she had thought he was smarter than he actually was and he rose to her expectations. I suspect you really were a smart and creative student and your teachers recognized you for who you are. Thanks for your excellent post,
ReplyDeleteHi Glynis! Wow, you come from Scotland too? I was born in Scotland too and emigrated to Canada in 1964 after my parents made the decision to move here. I was also influenced by a teacher who I remember to this day. I appreciate we have a few similarities in our background! That's kind of neat! Thank you for allowing us to take a look at how you were formed as a writer. I especially love how it appears you consider your writer as a calling from god. I hope I'm not putting my own spin into your writing by saying that! Thank you for the warmth of your writing Glynis!
ReplyDeleteOh Glynis--I LOVE that verse from Psalm 45. What a wonderful verse to stir the writer in all of us. And isn't it beautiful how our Father God is our greatest influence AND Motivator? He is a good God.