September 13, 2015

Conference Reaction by T.L. Wiens

Last night I felt a sudden sharp pain in my toe. When I reached down in the darkness I realized an insect was having a meal. After taking my revenge, I thought about the different biting insects.
That brought up thoughts of the Brown Recluse Spider. This small creature’s bite goes from a small itchy red spot to massive swelling, loss of skin,  difficulty breathing, permanent nerve damage, and in small children, can lead to death. One little spider bite.
That sent me to thinking about the conference. For me, an introvert, the thought of going to conference is very much like that spider bite. It starts with the pain of travel, meeting people and then I think about sitting in workshops where my attention deficit will kick in. Unlike the spider bite, the long term effects are not debilitating but positive.
So I’ll push myself out of my comfort zone, let the pain come and likely meet a few other writers who are suffering the same symptoms of conference attendanceitis. Then I'll head home with some new strategies for my writing and maybe even a few new friends.
See you all at the Inscribe Fall Conference!


  1. Tammy,
    Thanks for reminding us that many people have to force themselves out of their comfort zone to attend conference. I'm looking forward to seeing you again :)

    1. Looking forward to seeing you as well. Praying for you as we come to the final stretch of prep.

  2. Tammy
    I can't wait to meet you face to face. After knowing you on line I know we will connect.

    1. I almost decided not to attend and then found out you would be there. I'm very much looking forward to meeting you.

  3. I would like to meet you too, Tammy. I pray that we may all grown in our writing and in our personal and spiritual lives through attending Fall Conference. May we all be sensitive to the needs and disposition of others. Blessings, Tammy, and may you feel welcome.

  4. Looking forward to meeting you, Sharon. If I could just do this without leaving home...I know it will be fine. Prayer is much needed for all who stand for Jesus Christ these days.

  5. Tammy--I hope I get to meet you at conference. And hopefully by the end you will feel strengthened and rejuvenated in your writing rather than burned out.

    1. I hope the same for you. It's always nice to put real people to names. I hope to meet you as well.

  6. A sister after my own heart! The Lord does seem to insist on stretching us, doesn't he? I, too, look forward to a face-to-face. Safe travels!

    1. Yes He does. AMEN. Hope to see you again and I'm sure I will. You are a delight!

  7. High five, Tammy - I hear you! Maybe we can cower in a corner together when we've had too much ;) I'm excited about being there, though, and meeting everyone now that I know their names and faces from this blog and the list serve.

    1. Sounds like a plan. I'll be looking for you.


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