September 02, 2015

Planting a Vineyard by Marcia Lee Laycock

Okanagan Valley Vineyard

Green. It lay in waves of even rows cascading down the slope toward the wide blue lake. We could not see the fruit buried among the leaves but we knew it was there – large clusters of ripe, luscious red and white grapes. The vineyards of the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia Canada are becoming famous for a bounty of sweet fruit.

As we drove by, a verse in proverbs came to mind: “She considers a field and buys it; from her profits she plants a vineyard” (Prov. 31:16, NKJV).

I found myself wishing I had the resources necessary to buy any of the beautiful, bountiful fields I saw as we drove along Okanagan Lake. I started to feel a little sorry for myself. Poor me, I’ll never live in a place like this. Poor me, I’ll never own a house like these. I confess it took an effort of will to stop myself but I managed to rethink that premise and realize that I too have purchased a field. All of us have, and it is a field of great value.

All of us have chosen a way of living, a course for our lives to take, and no matter what that field looks like, no matter if the profits are large or small, we have a responsibility to do what the woman in proverbs 31 did. We need to use the profits wisely by planting a vineyard that will flourish with fruit from which others can benefit.

Perhaps you’re thinking your profits have been too small to be of much use, but not all profit comes in a financial package. I recently received a statement from the publisher of my first novel, One Smooth Stone. He is still trying to recoup the advance I was given for that book and I feel badly about that. But that same day I received an email from a friend who had given One Smooth Stone to a prison program in Florida. The prisoners, some of whom have no other form of entertainment other than books, have been writing reviews of the novels she has brought to them. Those letters have shown me the fruit of my vineyard. Hearing what my words have meant to those people, how the story has encouraged them and given them hope again, is a profit that is priceless, a profit that will last.

As writers of faith, we have chosen a field of words. Whether we are writing poems or novels, articles or songs, we are planting a vineyard with our words, a vineyard that will provide nourishment, encouragement and perhaps even redemption to those who read our work. It is a vineyard that will reach into eternity. 

Marcia Lee Laycock

Marcia Lee Laycock writes from central Alberta Canada where she is a pastor's wife and mother of three adult daughters. She was the winner of The Best New Canadian Christian Author Award for her novel, One Smooth Stone. The sequel, A Tumbled Stone was short listed in The Word Awards and the first book of her fantasy series, The Ambassadors won a Word Award in the Speculative fiction category in June, 2015.
Marcia also has two devotional books in print and has contributed to several anthologies, including each of the Hot Apple Cider books. Her work has been endorsed by Sigmund Brouwer, Janette Oke, Phil Callaway and Mark Buchanan.

Abundant Rain, an ebook devotional for writers can be downloaded here.

The Ambassadors is available on and .ca

Visit Marcia’s Website

Sign up to receive her devotional column, The Spur


  1. I needed to hear this today. Thank you, Marcia.

  2. Love the picture! I grew up in the Okanagan, when those hills were planted with fruit orchards rather than vineyards, so I remember that living there means working there, not just enjoying the beauty, but this is the same for our writing, isn't it? You have put in the work, Marcia, and are an inspiration to us fledglings. Thanks for this! Like the grapes on the vine, our writing may take time to ripen then ferment into a fine wine. And some wines are a mix of grapes, too, much like Inscribe :) Your vineyard analogy is a great picture that just keeps going deeper!

    1. So true, Marnie - you should write a devotional about that! ;)

  3. Marcia,

    I absolutely love that photo of you!! And I enjoyed your perfectly 'in season' word that I shall carry around in my thoughts today.

    I'm excited to hear reports back about your Smooth Stone book touching lives in prison. Did you ever imagine that when you wrote it?

    Wishing you a beautiful day as you work in your own orchard today.

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda. No, I never imagined it - but then He give us more than we could ever imagine doesn't He? :)

  4. what a beautifully written and encouraging post, Marcia. Thank you - your words of wisdom always resonate.

  5. A beautiful analogy Marcia. And so true. It is amazing how our words can go places that we could never go in person. There is a small vineyard in Saskatchewan that we enjoy going to. Because it is on the harsh prairies it takes a great deal of work for the owners to keep it going but people come from miles to see it and enjoy their wine. Sometimes a smaller vineyard may not look like much to others but the work that goes into it can be just as great and the rewards even more appreciated....just another perspective....sort of more talking to myself here lol. Enjoyed your post.

  6. "planting a vineyard with out words." I love that word picture. Thanks for sharing it with us Marcia.

  7. You have tended well to your vineyard, Marcia, and God has established, and will continue to "establish the work of your hands." I love the analogies that are coming out in the InScribe blogs, and this one too is so apt. You are a good example of a faithful servant and God, accordingly, has prospered your work. May your writing and the writings of InScribers continue " to provide nourishment, encouragement and perhaps even redemption to those who read our work." May our vineyards of words "reach into eternity."


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