September 16, 2015

Gratitude - by Loretta Bouillon

These are a few of my favorite things! Brisk walks on the longest freshwater beach in the world, swimming out to the buoy, the stunning sunsets, juicy corn and peach crisp, evening  card games with the family…This is summer at my parents place in Wasaga Beach, Ontario; a little slice of heaven.

Every summer we are able to travel from British Columbia to Ontario to my parents “cottage” (which is the Ontario term for a dwelling near one of the great lakes, even though it is actually a four season home). This year, my daughter, Carlee (18), and I are staying an extra three weeks after the Canadian labor day weekend. The rest of the family goes back to their busy lives in B.C., but we get to stay when the beach gets quiet, the lake is warm and the weather remains wonderfully summer!

It is the perfect environment for inspiring creativity, being able to write from the place of joy and blessing instead of striving to find time in the busyness and challenge of everyday life. My morning routine includes bringing my bible, journal and laptop out onto my parents beautiful deck to do my devotions and some writing.

After our time here, Carlee and I will fly to Edmonton to attend the InscribeWriter’s Conference. This is the perfect time and environment for me to polish up my “blue pencil” piece and catch up on my blog, as well as organize my writing projects for the fall.

Today, I am feelng very blessed and grateful to my hard-working husband who made this lovely “time out” for Carlee and I possible. When life isn’t flowing as easily and it is more of a challenge to write from a place of joy and peace, I default to my good old “gratitude list”. Simply put: .a list of things I am grateful for. I compose this list in my prayer journal in the mornings. It goes something like this: "Thank you Lord for my family, our health, my husband’s job, the ability to raise my children in a free country, for my church, for my friends"...etc. etc. It is amazing how this changes the tone of my day!


  1. So the locations God takes you to feed your creativity? That's a good way of reframing travels that we don't anticipate! I'll remember that. And so looking forward to meeting you and Carlee at conference. One more week and we'll all be there!

    1. Yes, we are excited! See you soon!

    2. Yes, we are excited! See you soon!

  2. Anonymous7:23 am GMT-7

    Being grateful truly changes are mindset when things are not going well! Thank you for that reminder.

  3. It sounds like a wonderful retreat! I am looking forward to meeting you both at conference

  4. Hi Loretta,
    When I first opened your blog and saw the picture, I thought, "Why is there a picture of MY beach on there?" Yes I live right here in Wasaga year blessed. Ironically I had planned to be on the road several weeks ago, headed for your amazing province and spending 2 days in Edmonton (my birthplace) for the Inscribe Conference. But God had other plans for me. And so I will just have to be content with here--poor me! So enjoy the rest of your stay (the weather has been glorious hasn't it?) and if you'd like to meet a fellow writer for a coffee, call or text 705-796-3215 Gloria

  5. I am happy for you and your daughter to have this retreat time for writing in a beautiful, homey, peaceful place. It's also great to read your expression of gratitude for this recreational time and for your many other blessings. Although we all go through times when life can be more challenging than we'd like it to be, I like your idea of starting the day in a grateful mode. This is a excellent reminder for me too. Thanks, Loretta. I too am looking forward to meeting in person more of the people we chat with online. I might have to find my own retreat venue Safe travels.

  6. Loretta-- I read Ann Voskamp's book, "One Thousand Gifts" a couple of years ago and have had what you call a "gratitude list" ever since. It really does help with perspective and attitude. I'm glad you get to spend this extra time with your daughter and I hope to meet you at conference.


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