July 16, 2015

Summer Writing - by Loretta Bouillon

Summer is not my best writing season for producing possible publishable material. I’m okay with that. Periods of the summer are crazy busy, like the grad season we just experienced for my daughter. A memorable time full of family, friends and celebrations consumed our month of June. Having three teens, two years apart, graduations happen every other summer for six years. 

My kids are lifeguards at our outdoor pool and my vehicle is a constant shuttle bus. The garden, outdoor aquafit, the  Ontario family trip, moving my son to university in the late summer combined with just trying to find time to slow down and enjoy the lovely weather.....adds up to very little time on my laptop. I suppose I could make it a priority, and I can see that happening someday, but for now I am happy to give myself permission to put the “serious” writing on hold. If I am inspired to work on my projects, I do, however I am certainly not as disciplined as the other seasons of the year.

I will make time every morning on my porch with my bible and my journal. This indispensable hour contributes to pages and pages of talking to God through my pen. I will take my journal on my travels, and if I feel inspired, I may write a poem, jot down ideas for my novel or just write about what is going on around me. I will keep up the Inscribe blog as well as my own blog.

Summer is when I actually find writing most enjoyable because I have no agenda. Life is not any busier at this time, but there is something about summer that gives me permission to relax a little. Perhaps that is the key to creativity? We’ll see!


  1. I keep thinking that 'one of these days' this summer we should connect face to face!

    1. I second that, Tracy! We need to have a Northern BC Regional writing retreat so we can meet each other.

  2. I agree that the permission to relax is one of the keys to creativity. And great picture for your post.

  3. Sounds like summer is your 'filling the tank' time, in preparation for winter 'digging in'. A great example to follow. (And 3 grads in 6 years? Wow! More power to you all!)

  4. So true Loretta...a little relaxation or even a change of activity may be all that's needed! I related to your post concerning the writing and the busy family!

  5. You have a good sense of what comes first in life. I know from experience that our young people won't always be home with us. I have no regrets of the time I spent with our kids when they were home. We need some leisure time with them. Once that time is gone, we cannot get it back. Enjoy your moments writing in your journal on the porch and maybe even get a poem or two down on paper.

  6. I'm glad that the "no agenda" summer helps you write. I find that to be true too. Thanks Loretta.

  7. The writing you are doing with the Lord and your journal will surely come out as rich writing the rest of the year, Loretta! Enjoy the rest of the summer!


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