July 11, 2015

Summer Musings by Connie Inglis

Summer writing. Do I do anything different than other seasons of the year? Yes, I would say I do. I would probably admit that I do less writing. But that doesn't mean I do less brainstorming. In fact, I have found that it is in the summer that I get more fodder for writing than any other season. Why is that you ask? Well, it is my favourite season but more importantly, it's because I have more time to enjoy my favourite muse, my summer muse I call her, my granddaughter.

Nothing inspires me more than this precious little girl--to view the world through her eyes, to hear her play-by-play perspective on people, places, things, to soak in her love for life. She fills my little notebook with ideas for future writing and hilarious quotes like the following: "Grandma, you're not an adult, you're an old teen."

Which brings me to my next point. Time with her allows me to be a kid again. If my neighbours saw me running through the sprinkler or filling water balloons or drawing with chalk in my driveway by myself, they might question my sanity. But I can get away with it when I'm doing it with my granddaughter. And in all honesty, I enjoy all those activities--they take me back to the joy of my childhood. And as I bask in the summer heat, they draw me into God's time, into kairos time, where again I feel His pleasure in the simple things of life, surrounded by His creation.

I think I can best say it in a poem--though even a short poem can't express my love, my attachment to this muse. She sings Jesus to me.

My Summer Muse
(to my granddaughter Sydrah)

Sweet summer
muse, you
"sing in me," as 
Calliope to Homer,
ideations of

Like July
fireworks, you
explode with 
carefree creativity,
then beckon me to
join you in your joy.

Touching your world,
hearing your voice,
viewing your perceptions,
breathing in your spice,
savoring your zest--
it is sacred ground.

I take off my shoes;
for the miracle of
moves me to 
worship the Creator,
the Giver of
     my Summer Muse. 
Photo by Katherine Dumas


  1. Such fun! Grandkids are the best, aren't they?

    1. Yes they are Tracy. I absolutely love being a Grandma.

  2. Connie, I can easily appreciate how Sydrah impacts your life, but I don't know if you can grasp how you're impacting hers. She may sing Jesus to you (I love that picture!), but you are singing Holy Spirit harmony right along side. Oh, that every child should be so passionately loved in this life.

    1. Bobbi, These words bring tears to my eyes. Am I really singing Holy Spirit harmony into her life? What a responsibility--but mostly, what an honour. I thank God for being able to love her so.

  3. Hi Connie! Thank for the reminder that summer indeed can bring out the child in us! My grandchildren too help me see life through their eyes! This helps keep life fresh and alive with a little bit of brattiness thrown in for good measure! :) I'm so thankful for the "simple things" as well showing us that life doesn't always have to be so serious! Keep on writing Connie!

    1. Thanks Alan. It is so refreshing to see the world through a child's eyes. I think God gives us grandchildren to keep us young and I'm thankful He does that for us.

  4. What a precious poem ... Sydrah is fortunate to have such a young "old teen" as her grandmother! I agree grandkids are a delight! I plan to do poetry with my granddaughter this next week. Loved the photos as well! Thanks for a delightful summer post!

    1. Thanks Jocelyn. I've never done poetry with Sydrah but thanks for the great idea. We'll have to do that sometime.

  5. Anonymous9:39 am GMT-7


  6. I absolutely loved this, Connie. You speak to us of many things--love, freedom, joy, time well spent, and so on. May God be with you and your precious family.

  7. Thanks for your encouraging words Sharon.

  8. Oh I love your poem! Thank you!

    1. Thanks Linda. There's SO MUCH about this little girl that I love--it's so hard to put it into words.

  9. Oh, Connie, how absolutely adorable! So wonderful how God has blessed you with this precious little muse. Enjoy!


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