July 14, 2015

Ants, Jesus, Little Kids, and Summer by Bobbi Junior

We have a number of ant hills in our yard, so I often find myself watching these little critters on their daily journey. Sometimes I'll see one toting a load much bigger than itself. How in the world does it know where it's going?

Carrying out this 'I'm a writer' journey feels a bit like that. When I start on a project, I'm all gung-ho, but as I try to move forward, I become overwhelmed. Like that little ant, my project is so big, I can't see my path for the size of it. There I am, shuffling here, there, and everywhere, trying to find my way by feel alone.

When I get lost, though, if I'm smart, I put aside my grown-up, independent, I-can-do-this attitude, and take myself directly to the Master. There I'm reminded I don't need to know the path. I just need to keep going. 

It's almost too simplistic to be true. Still, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 8:13

What were summers like when I was little? School was out and days seemed endless. I had no goals, no plans, no deadlines. I just played, or day-dreamed, wandered wherever my feet chose to take me. I watched, and listened, and my imagination soared. You can't do anything wrong when you're living your days like that.

Can writing be that simple? Maybe we don't have to see where our feet are going. Maybe, we just have to Go!

And that, I think, will be my experiment this summer -- to write with the same abandon I had as a summer-freed child.


  1. Bobbi,
    Great idea. Let's just let go and give God the lead. Abandon yourself to Him.

  2. I love your word picture. Starting a book is such a huge task, I've been tempted to set it down but I'm taking your advice and moving ahead with it, one step at a time. God will show me His way. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Bobbi, this is great encouragement for me. I don't have to know where I'm going, I just have to step out in faith and go!

  4. You have me thinking back to the summers of my childhood. What interesting memories! They did seem endless and there were no plans or goals, really. I think retirement just might allow us that same freedom one day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  5. Hmm! "Maybe we don't have to see where we're going." This reminds me that God's word is a lamp for our feet. Those of us who remember lanterns will recall that, with lantern light, we can't see very far ahead or behind ourselves--just more or less where to place our next step. Still we can keep moving. Thanks for this reminder. to just GO!

  6. Maybe we can all have a confab at the end of the summer and see where the Lord has led us on these endless summer days. Your lantern example is very good, Sharon. It's only in the past 150 years we've been able to light up the dark beyond a few steps!

  7. Writing with abandon--how FREEING. And, as I quoted not that long ago, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM." Woohoooo. I can't wait until the end of the summer to see where the Spirit led you in your writing.

  8. Beautiful illustration and thank you for remindinding me that " I just need to keep going."

  9. Sometimes we need to fallow the scent trail to its end, like an ant heading home to its hill. I've been doing that this summer, except for fighting with balky computers, and it's been fun. Whether I'm working on an idea from a dream or I'm fueled by a pet peeve, I've decided to stop promoting my books and just write. Strangely enough, people have started asking about my books, even though I've booked my days for writing. Summer's a quarter over but I still want to just write for the fun of writing.

  10. I'm with you, Bruce. For writers, maybe we need to take a lesson from the kids and head off to the creative playground every day this summer, just to see what happens!

  11. Bobbi, I love how your writing always points to our Maker. Not knowing where our path is going and trusting God for the outcome is exactly how He wants us to live in all our circumstances....writing included!

  12. Great pictures, great post ... writing with the freedom of a child. I marvel at the ants as well, thanks for your inspiration.

  13. Your post made me think of this poem by Minnie Louise Haskins. "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way." http://www.poeticexpressions.co.uk/POEMS/Gate%20of%20the_year.htm

  14. Ahh, nothing like the carefree childhood to inspire creativity, and so great that you have retained that ability to go there, Bobbi!


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