July 15, 2015

Summer Is For Writing Tracy Krauss

Ernest Hemingway is credited with saying that when the weather got too warm, it was better to go fishing than to perspire at his desk trying to write. That's all well and good for Ernest. He had the good fortune of being able to write full time. I, on the other hand, have a pretty full schedule from September to June. So when summer holidays roll around, I try to spend as much time as possible sweating at my desk! 

I find I am most productive when I set a schedule for myself. After my morning routine of coffee and devotions on the deck followed by a few chores, I try to get 'busy' writing by nine am. In the past I did much of my online activity such as blog maintenance, answering emails, and social media first, but I often found that those activities, although writing related, took over from actual writing. Since I'm used to fitting these activities into my life later in the day, I'm trying to limit myself to the bare essentials first thing in the morning and get right to writing new material.

For a few summers now I've planned my own little writing retreats. One year I spent a week at my sister's house in Regina. She works during the day so I had the entire day to myself while she and her husband were at work. Then we would hang out and visit in the evenings. Last summer I did the same thing with an added week in my hometown of Mossbank. My niece and her family were out of town visiting relatives in BC so they offered me their home while they were away. It was awesome! I got up every day and wrote all morning. Then I would go to the cafe for lunch and later meet my other sister for the afternoon. I had lots of time to visit family and old friends and still got a ton of writing done. Bonus!

This summer I had the privilege of helping my daughter for a week after the birth of her second childI didn't get a lot of writing done during that time but I certainly don't begrudge one moment of time with the kiddos! Later this month I am off to my hometown again for the celebration of its 100th anniversary. Sometimes family and other special events supersede my writing time, and that's okay.

Summer may be about writing, but its also about family and outdoors and making memories. Maybe that's one of the reasons I tend to be more productive in the summer. Not only do I have more time but I also feel inspired. Here's to another six weeks of writing fun!

Tracy Krauss is a multi-published author and playwright living in Tumbler Ridge, BC. Visit her website for more info: http://tracykrauss.com


  1. Living in our Cold-Weather Climate (google that. Studies have been done) our summer activities ramp up by necessity. But adding a new baby to the mix? Yup, that trumps them all! Your schedule is a good idea, Tracy. And putting aside the social media work until later in the day? That would help me on weekends a lot! Good advice.

  2. I really like the idea of your little writing retreats. You allow yourself time for writing and visiting your family. What a clever idea! It is interesting to learn how other writers feel towards the different seasons. Do they inspire or interrupt us? Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your writing adventures.

  3. Tracy, I enjoyed your post so much! Love the glimpse into how you get all that lovely creative work accomplished in your busy life, and how you've developed a beautiful balance of work and play, solitude and community. Wonderful.

  4. I like the idea of your writing retreats as well, that is an excellent idea. I think I'd want mine in the winter though :0

  5. I'm going to take me on a writing retreat! :) Thanks Tracy. I'm also going to try to reduce my online time in the mornings, so I can write more. Your suggestions hit home with me.

  6. Get busy writing in the morning and save the online activity for later. I like that idea. Thanks!

  7. Like your other responders, I need the reminder to write early in the day. Those writing retreats must be wonderful too. A little more work organizing my office and maybe I can have a few day retreat at home. Somebody mentioned that a few months ago. (Fix your meals the day before and dedicate a full day to writing.) Thanks for setting a good example for us with balance, priorities, and dedication.

  8. I agree Tracy: "family and outdoors and making memories" is a lot of what the summer is all about. One of the reasons I love summer so much. Thanks for sharing your summer activities. I love the idea of a writing retreat.

  9. Tracy you are so creative even in how you find writing retreats!


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