October 11, 2014

A Love Story by Connie Inglis

What strategies do you use to get past your fears? In answering that question I immediately thought of the main trait that makes me fearful. You see, I am a perfectionist. The scientific term is atelophobia i.e. the fear of not being good enough or imperfection. There have been times when I have been stuck in that state with my writing but I am learning that I don't have to stay there, that I have a choice.

My choice is not based on me or anything I have done. My choice is based on the knowledge that God loves me.  I recently re-read Ann Voskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You are. One of her comments about fear resonated with me. She said, "All fear is but the notion that God's love ends." It is true. Fear, any kind of fear, is looking at things with the wrong perspective--it's about not trusting God and God's love. So, when I fear, I find that focusing on God's love dispels the fear. There are many ways I do that.

Reading Scripture passages and meditating over Scripture is a good place to start. A verse that jumped out at me a few years ago is Song of Solomon 7:10: "I belong to my Beloved and His desire is for me." Every time I think of that verse I am reminded that I am in a love story, that I am a recipient of Jesus' love.

I have also found strength in reading certain authors. Books by Brennan Manning keep me focused on how much God loves me, all of me, weaknesses and all. The Furious Longing of God is one of my favourites. Francis Chan and John Eldredge are also two authors that speak to my heart, along with Ann Voskamp. And just recently I discovered Phil Vischer's book, Sidney & Norman. It's a children's book, I know, and yet the theme of the book is for all. In fact, I was so moved by the profound simplicity of it, that it brought me to tears. The message is: "First of all, I love you. Secondly, I love you. And thirdly, I love you. Messes and all." Yes, Jesus loves me. Wow!

Good worship music also keeps me grounded in God's love  and His ultimate sacrifice in sending His Son to die for ME! There are so many inspirational artists that I listen to regularly but one song that I find speaks to my heart every time is John Mark McMillan's song, "How He Loves." When listening to this song, the Spirit moves me to simply worship my loving God.

There is so much to write about the topic of God's love. His creation on a brisk walk reminds me of His love. The encouragement and love of others reminds me of God's love. Reading of the faithfulness of God in the past entries of my journal reminds me of God's love. Answered prayer reminds me of His love. Even His presence and strength during difficult times reminds me of His love. In fact, it's ALL meant to remind us of God's love.

I may not be perfect but God's love for me is perfect and "perfect Love casts out fear." (1 John 4:18, ESV) If I focus on that with my writing then there is no need to fear. EVER! Psalm 27:1.


  1. I think that many writers suffer from this same fear (perhaps in differing degrees...) We want our writing to be perfect, but at some point we do have to let it go. Thanks for this thoughtful and encouraging post.

  2. Thank-you Connie, for reminding us of the most wonder-full thing of all, God's love. I also like the verse you included!

  3. Connie, the topic was 'fear', and you turned it deftly into the topic of 'love'. Well crafted!

    And now I must look up that children's story!


  4. Thanks Connie,
    The Ann Voskamp quote hit the nail for me- "All fear is but the notion that God's love ends." I am a fan of her writing.
    You put the fear and love struggle as the two sides of the coin, one the antidote for the other.
    Great perspective, and even when we are afraid, we need to keep moving!
    Tale of Two Pigs-looks like I should track that down as well.

  5. I enjoyed reading your blog, Connie, including the good books you recommend. Ann Voskamp's book on One Thousand Gifts, Sidney and Norma, and your well set words of Scripture--always a good text to follow. Although I do have several Bibles, I will have to track down the other two.

    Thanks for all you said, especially reminding us that "perfect love casts out fears," which does about cover it!

  6. Thanks, once again, for all your encouragement and positive comments. God is so good--and never wants us to be fearful.


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