October 07, 2014

Shouldn’t I be writing something more serious? - Ramona Heikel

The writing that I do for personal enjoyment, with no intention of anyone else reading it or publishing it, is delightful and energizing for me.  Writing what I “should” be writing, however, is often less motivating, and more like hard work.

When I was around ten years old, I started writing poems and stories.  The poems were light, sometimes with a bit of humor, and the stories were usually one of two types.  I often wrote fantasies of the perfect life, which, at that young age, included having a cat (at that time, no matter how much I begged, I couldn’t have a cat) or the exciting adventures my cat experienced when it ran away.  I also wrote about having my own adventures, full of suspense and danger, sometimes with an element of science fiction or fantasy.  I love humor, and sometimes wrote silly tall tales.  As a teenager, I wrote little romances, and ever since then have enjoyed writing about relationships.

I’ve always enjoyed trying to put my impressions and thoughts into words, and love the rhythm, rhyme and imagery of poetry.  I originally wrote rhyming lines about everyday happenings and objects (one was “A Woman’s Pocketbook”), nature, and even Bible stories.  Once I wrote the lyrics and music for a short little song about the beauty and peace of nature.   

Of all the variety of pieces that I pen, these kinds make me come alive inside.  I can relate to what the missionary Eric Liddell said in the movie “Chariots of Fire” about his athletic talents, “When I run, I feel His pleasure.” They say that people excel at the things they enjoy doing, and that must hold some truth because most of the works that I’ve had published are the things I love to write the most. 

But shouldn’t I be writing something more serious?  Something more overtly spiritual with obvious eternal value?  Several times, I’ve run across comments by respected classic authors of the faith who pointed to Christian fiction writing as evidence that society’s spiritual fervor is cooling.  Yet at the same time, I am certain that even fun or romantic writing changes lives and opens hearts to the true God.  But I’m just not entirely sure, and it often bothers me.

What to do?  I just continue to write, and trust in His faithfulness to guide me into his will.

Posted by Ramona


  1. I am so thankful that God has given each of us a unique voice. We NEED writers that write on 'the light side' just as much as we need those 'heavy hitters'. How terrible if all we had to read was the serious stuff! Keep writing what makes you happy and dedicate it to God.

  2. I am in agreed with Tracy on this, Ramona. Write what makes your heart sing and it will bless others, just as the sweet songs of the birds bless our hearts.


  3. I agree as well. The Holy Spirit guides us in all directions and genres to spread The Word. You are a blessing to all!

  4. another "hear! hear!" here, to the article and comments.

  5. I love reading lighter Christian books. I don't know about others, but the Lord takes me through seasons when it comes to reading books. Sometimes, it will be a season of heavier, historical fiction, or perhaps non-fiction to learn about something, or a lighter romance with a message. I just finished an Christian Amish series and I really enjoyed it. Now I am into a heavier book about the history of the Congo. I agree with the above comments, we need to write as the Holy Spirit leads us!

  6. I'm sure the writing you "want to do" is the Spirit's prompting as much as the "ought to do."
    What we want to write is the praise version of the other!

  7. There, Ramona, after all these encouraging remarks, I pray you will see how we are all so different as writers, just like our readers are all unique too. God's calling such a variety of writers to his service must be part of his plan. God's plan is working! Amen.

  8. I think the world needs to see Christians as people that can be fun to be with. Too often they come across as harsh, judgemental-not how Jesus was. People were drawn to him. I am also glad there are many voices. I love your writinghappily.com title.

  9. Oh, what encouragers you all are--Sharon, your sweet prayer is being answered. God bless you all, and here's wishing the same inspiration back to you!


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