October 01, 2014

Facing our Fears by Sandi Somers

We all have fears associated with writing. We may be afraid our ideas will never materialize or that our writing isn’t good enough. We may be afraid of the publishing process. We may be afraid that nobody will read our work. We may fear rejection or failure. On it can go.

This month’s prompt asks: What strategies do you use to get past your fears?

DARE to Be an Artist


At one time I began writing about living on a mission station in Colombia. As I wrote about interpersonal difficulties, I was afraid of exposing all that weakness in myself and others.

I even wondered if I should continue. How could I write about that discouraging time?

I journaled and I prayed.

Through journaling, God brought some insights that I never would have discovered had I clung to my fears. I gained a deeper understanding of the real issues. Many of our difficulties arose out of our confined location on the mission station. Others came about because of unhealed areas in people’s lives. I was also much younger, without the maturity of my perspectives today.

Through these insights, God brought to mind: “Let your conversation (writing) be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Col 4:6.

God transformed my writing into words of grace and forgiveness.

This was one example of how God taught me to face fears, not just in writing, but in other areas of life.

I faced my fears square on. Fear can also hide below the surface, masquerading as worry, anxiety, nervousness or timidity.

I asked strategic questions:
  • What exactly am I afraid of?
  • What does God want to say to me through this fear?
  • What does God want me to do?
  • What would I attempt if I were sure the Holy Spirit would fill and enable me?
God word gave me encouragement “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline,” 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT

There will always be challenges in overcoming fear. But as we wade into the river of fear and take one step at a time, God will part the water and we’ll find secure soil under our feet. And God will strengthen us as we dare to be an artist.

DARE to be honest about the world that is around you and within you.

DARE to go as far as the stars—and even farther.

DARE to go as deep as your own heart and the deeper heart of God.

~ Murray Pura at InScribe Fall Conference (2013)

Now over to you. What has God taught you about facing your fears?


  1. "What would I attempt if I were sure the Holy Spirit would fill and enable me?"

    That should be Tweeted!

    I don't know if I've ever asked myself that. Hmmmmmm

  2. I agree with bobbi - that is a great tweet! Thanks for this thoughtful post. Fear is one of the great strategies of the enemy, but perfect love casts out fear - hallelujah!

  3. Fear and rejection are tools that the enemy loves to project on us writers but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world!

  4. Darers go first (LOL) - and you have! Face fears head on; ask strategic questions, take one step at a time. Great advice!

  5. I always appreciate, Sandi, what you, as the first blogger with the new topic, have to say about it. You are good at searching your heart and being honest, as you are again this month. Thanks for setting the tone and making us think, pray and write.

  6. Thanks for getting this topic started Sandi. Such great thoughts and wisdom. I remember Murray Pura saying these things but it is always good to be reminded.

  7. Dear Sandi,

    I so enjoyed your posting for this month's topic.

    Like you, I've found it very helpful to just face my fears square on.

    As I pay attention to what is the underlying reason for the niggling, nervousness, or anxiety, the Holy Spirit is so faithful to whisper a word that sets my mind and heart back at rest. And from there his perfect love gives me the courage to go forward.

    Many blessings...

  8. Hi Sandi:
    I think you are showing us that fear and dare of opposite sides of the same coin. We wouldn't dare if we had no fear.
    You hit the nail on the head: what are we really afraid of? When analyzed, our fears are often speculative and groundless.
    How the devil likes to trip us up with half-truths!


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