April 30, 2014

Writing Wishes by Susan Barclay

My family has used up our Internet usage for the month, so I am writing this at the library, just a few hours before the post would be overdue and less than an hour before the facility closes. This should be blessedly short.

The question posed this month has to do with what we want to accomplish through our writing. This is my hope:
First, that I connect with my readers. That I create characters they can relate to and write stories that are relevant to their lives.
I hope also to make them think. I want them to finish the book, story, or poem, not just to move on to the next piece of reading, but to reflect on what they have read, to consider its message more deeply and to think about what might happen if the story didn't end there.  
I want readers to feel something. Pleasure is good, but discomfort can be good too. It depends on the purpose of the particular story. Some writing is mere escapism, to relieve stress and provide delight in its stead. Other writing is meant to evoke a change in perspective or encourage action.
I hope readers are left wanting more. Whether more of those particular characters, that particular story, or other work I've created... If my work is good, they'll want to read it again and again and share it with their friends. I do want my work to build a readership. 
Mostly, though, I want my work to please an audience of One; the One who predisposed me to write. If I succeed in doing that, I'll be satisfied.
And on that brief note, I must go. But I'd love it if you stopped by my regular blog and checked out the writerly wisdom I shared during April's A-Z Blogging Challenge. 26 tips  from a variety of published authors. You can't go wrong!



  1. I think you touch on what every writer desires but I esp. love that last Reason. If we fulfill that calling He will reply with just the right readers at just the right time!

  2. Susan,
    Thanks for sharing. I have many of the same goals. You're right - pleasing our audience of One is the most important!

  3. Hi Susan,
    You did well to write your post in the last hour before closing! Nothing like writing on demand!
    I like how you said that you want your readers to feel something. Pleasure is good, but discomfort can be good too you said. Yes. I feel this is important today when we live in such a hedonistic society and all we want is to feel pleasure. We need to be challenged in order to grow. And it is not easy as a writer to be the one doing the challenging and making your readers squirm, but it results in freedom. Good thoughts, Susan.

  4. Nothing like a deadline! Good for you for giving us all a reminder of WHO we should be ultimately serving in our writing. Well written and thoughtful. Thanks.

  5. A wonderful list, Susan.

    Yes, there's nothing like a deadline for getting to the nub of things.



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