April 24, 2014

Work in Progress by Lynn Dove

567532_14597581-prn01_lzI while ago, a fellow Inscribe writer asked during a blog hop about my current work in progress.  This was my answer:

I don't have a current work in progress...I AM the work in progress!

This past year I've learned that there is so much more to being a writer than actually writing. Did I actually say that? It's true.

In 2010 and the three years that followed, all I thought about was writing and publishing my Wounded Trilogy books. I was so all consumed with that project I forgot I had a family who needed my attention more than my novel needed another edit. I forgot that I needed to eat and get much needed sleep...instead of the unhealthy snacks I munched on while I tap tapped on the keyboard in the wee hours of the morning, causing my son much grief because my office was right next to his bedroom. If I didn't sleep, he didn't either. Sorry Brett. I forgot that I had a life away from a computer.

I stopped volunteering. I stopped going to Bible Studies. I stopped being productive in anything else except what I was accomplishing on my manuscripts. I loved what I was doing but at what cost?

So this past year, I have made a concerted effort to NOT take on another book project. I blog. It's fun, it's rewarding and though at times time-consuming, I'm on my own deadline and I write when I can (and not in the middle of the night) and I try not to create pressure upon myself to meet certain deadlines. It's been wonderful to write about what I'm truly passionate about: my faith and my family!

This past year:
  • I've hugged on my grandbabies...a lot!
  • I've spent quality time going on shopping trips and lunch dates with my children.
  • I've talked to my husband and not laced every conversation with wanting his input on another plot line or character development for another one of my stories. I've enjoyed our being empty nesters and going away on trips together and going "media free" and not being guilty about not connecting and marketing every day on social media.
  • I've gone back to teaching Junior High, and spending time with students who challenge me and bless me every single day in the classroom.

So, I AM my current work in progress. Oh, I still write, but I'm not making it the priority this year. I have to keep working on this current project (me) a little longer.

Lynn is a 5X contributor to the Chicken Soup for the Soul books.  She enjoys connecting on her award-winning blog: Journey Thoughts, Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Great post, Lynn, and a great reminder to keep the right priorities. That can be something we all lose sight of, especially when we're doing something we love. I'm sure you're family is relishing the time you're spending with them. Investing in people is the most important thing we do.

  2. Lynn,

    I enjoyed reading your posting today and appreciate you sharing your own experience about finding the balance for your life so that writing doesn't consume all at the expense of other wonderful aspects of your life.

    A good reminder! Thank you.

    BTW, I love your picture. Did you make it? I loved the artistic arrangement of the crumbled bunches of paper.

    Many blessings...

  3. Inspiring, Lynn. We all can learn from this. Thank you.

  4. I love your honesty, Lynn. I struggle with this too. It is so easy to become obsessed and forget our priorities. We are all a work in progress and sometimes God uses writing to shape us and sometimes he uses not writing to shape us. Thank you for the important reminder!!

  5. Thank you, Lynn for sharing your soul. I'm sure a lot of people have identified with you and grown because of it. Working on a book feels safer at times but interacting with people meets them in the moment, not after publication. We all need that balance. I know I do.

  6. I am working on this too Lynn,
    I am a work in progress.
    Love that,

  7. Thank you Lynn for the reminder of ALL of the important things in life!

  8. Thanks for sharing your "work in progress" with us. I definitely connected with your recent activities and the importance of relationships. Enjoy it. My guess is that God is rejuvenating you for your next big writing project. :)

  9. Thank you for your comments! It is encouraging to know that we're all on this journey together.

  10. Thank you, sometimes we forget that the book most read, is the story of our lives lived out in our relationships.
    "I am the work in progress" ... I may borrow that line as well.


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