April 01, 2014

Fresh Revelations: Goals For our Readers by Sandi Somers

“I wish that I had told my writing students to give some thought to what they wanted their books to make happen inside the people who read them." Frederick Buechner

This month’s prompt challenges us to answer that question. What do you want your writing to make happen inside your readers? As you explore this question, what are you discovering about yourself or your writing? What is God challenging you to do?

John Bunyan’s Conversation with His Book

One author who articulated what he wanted to happen inside his readers was John Bunyan, who wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress, one of the best known allegories in Christian literature.

In the sequel, the journey of Pilgrim’s wife and children, Bunyan instructed the book to bravely go out into the world and tell people how much God loves them.

The book raised objections: “What if they don’t believe me? What if people get angry? What if they criticize you, the author? What if they don’t like the way you wrote?”

Bunyan answered, “Don’t be afraid, Book, as you are a friend and are sent to friends, not enemies. If anyone objects to your authenticity, come back to me, and I will confirm that you are mine. Turn away from people who criticize you. Seek instead those who will rejoice when they read you.”

Then Bunyan concluded with a prayer that the book would be a blessing to those who love it:

And may it persuade some that go astray,
To turn their Foot and Heart to the right Way

Prayers for My Readers

John Bunyan’s conversation with his book, written over three hundred years ago, has been a model for me. It, along with this month’s prompt, has challenged me to be more specific as I pray for my readers.

Some of my prayers include these points:

  • Before praying for my readers, I ask God for a listening attitude for his inspiration, his message and his guidance for the particular writing of the day.
  • My overall goal is to encourage others who are facing life and faith issues—their struggles in everyday experiences and problems. One Scripture God has given me is Isaiah 50:4: “The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed (pen), to know the word that sustains the weary”(NIV)
  • I ask God to take my writing to those who need to hear from God.
  • I pray that each article will be a work of art to challenge the reader’s intellect as well as the spirit.
  • I pray that the living Lord would step out of the sentences, paragraphs and ideas to leave his gentle touch on their lives.
  • Our church’s mission is for each person to become a devoted follower of Jesus, and I’ve incorporated this in my prayers for my readers.
  • Ultimately, I leave the results to God.

And you? I look forward to reading blogs on this month's topic and discovering the diversity of your thoughts and how God is challenging your desires and prayers.


  1. I love this quote, Sandi!
    “Don’t be afraid, Book, as you are a friend and are sent to friends, not enemies."
    What a wonderful prayer for our fellow writers. Don't be afraid! God is sending us. We are safe in him.

    And I love your prayer for your readers. I am always amazed at how quickly I can begin writing in my own strength instead of the Lord's. Perhaps if I focus on the reader, that won't happen so easily.

    Thx for sharing.

  2. Sandi,

    I am so inspired by your post and those beautiful words you shared from Paul Bunyan. Like Bobbi, I love the quote with Bunyan's reply, "Don't be afraid, Book, as you are a friend and sent to friends..."

    And the prayers for your readers, oh my, I'm posting those on my computer as a reminder as I come and write here every day.

    Sandi, your piece starts off April's theme perfectly. Thank you SO much.

    Blog Moderator

  3. And I find great comfort knowing that others talk to their Book, too.

    Beautiful post, Sandi. And almost a challenge. What wonderful perspectives our Inscribers bring to the table day after day. I keep wanting to say 'I'm in' each time I read such inspiring words.

    Love Pilgrim's Progress.

  4. Sandi,
    Thanks for this thoughtful and thought-provoking post. I so appreciate your focus on prayer. You've encouraged me to think about what my prayer will be for my readers.

  5. Thanks for your encouraging words! John Bunyan's Conversation has been an inspiration to me for years, and I finally found a "home" for it.

  6. Sandi,

    I love those prayers. I am going to work on similar ones for what I write.

    I know when I sew the stuffed turtles to go with my children's book I pray for the child who will get the turtle.

    Great words of wisdom. Many thanks.

  7. Hi, Janis,

    I'm glad you are inspired to write similar prayers. Your prayers to go with the turtle and book will have beautiful results for the child and family.


  8. A thought-provoking and inspirational post, Sandi. Thanks. I too am going to incorporate more prayer in my writing in praying for those that read what I write. LOVE that idea because in that way, even as we're writing we're, "praying without ceasing."

  9. Thanks so much, Sandi, for this article. I will say, "What they all said above!"

    With your permission, I would like to print this off and paste it in my Journal or at the front of each current notebook where I write first drafts. Probably most of us pray for our writing, but your prayer is so specific that I am sure it will help each of us write more pointedly toward our readers needs and to write more wonderfully what God has laid on our hearts to write.

  10. Bunyan answered, “Don’t be afraid, Book, as you are a friend and are sent to friends, not enemies. If anyone objects to your authenticity, come back to me, and I will confirm that you are mine. Turn away from people who criticize you. Seek instead those who will rejoice when they read you.”

    This is a gem of a story, Sandi! I think I need to start a quote file from all the great stories and quotes that our writers are sharing on this blog. Thank you for sharing!



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