December 30, 2013

Great Riches by Susan Barclay

I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure. Psalm 119:162, NLT

If you’re a true disciple of Jesus, you’ve probably discovered the importance of reading and memorizing Scripture. You’ve started to get it into your heart, meditated on it, and listened for what God has to say to you personally. Hopefully, this has had an impact on how you live, not because you are trying hard to improve, but because you are stepping aside to let Christ live through you. Others have noticed a change and are beginning to ask about it.

If this isn't the case, what’s holding you back from being in God's Word? Is it a question of time? Disinterest? Lack of support?

As we face the beginning of a new year, now is a good time to commit or recommit to spending time in the Bible. Even just a few minutes a day to start is better than nothing. Important appointments go on your calendar; identify your best time of day and schedule Scripture reading and prayer. Then don’t let anything interfere with it.

Don’t just make this another ‘New Year’s Resolution’. Be resolved. Be determined, steadfast, resolute, unwavering. Let nothing shake you from your purpose. Inside God’s Word are great treasures waiting to be discovered. Allow the light shining off these riches to guide your feet and illuminate your path (Psalm 119:105).

May God bless you as you follow Him in 2014.


For more of my writing, please visit my website,


  1. thanks for the timely 'pep talk'!

  2. Amen Susan! I realize lately, that I want Him more and more and more!!! !!! !!! I cannot get through life without Him. Great post.

    Serving at THE Master's Table with you!

  3. I too appreciate your timely pep talk. We need to dig deep in God's treasure box.

  4. We all need this nudge from time to time. Thanks!



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