December 23, 2013

Receiving God's Love at Christmas by Terrie Lynne

As I sat quietly on the pew in the balcony, my eyes were captivated by the candlelit lanterns that were dimly glowing along the aisles of the sanctuary. My ears were tuned to the sound of the piano softly playing Christmas carols in the background, but my mind was still busy thinking about the preparations yet to complete for the Christmas gathering with my family the next morning. It was Christmas Eve and it was time to set everything aside and focus on the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Yet even though I knew in my heart that I should relax and enjoy this moment, my mind still could not join in with the rest of my senses.
My son as a child in his Christmas outfit

Then the moment came when a little boy walked in front of me dressed in black pants and red vest with a white shirt and a little black tie. I smiled at him as he proudly walked on by. Seeing that little boy brought back memories of a time when I dressed my own small son just like that for Christmas. My eyes suddenly filled with tears and the door to my heart swung wide open, receiving the love from my Heavenly Father, who was there waiting all along for me to open my heart to Him. He knew that it would take the simplicity of an innocent child to bring me back, not only into the present reality of that special evening, but into His presence.

Yes, it was Christmas and time to celebrate and remember that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that who ever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. The wonderful news of peace on earth, good will to men!

photos compliments of family photo album and


  1. Terilyn,

    I love how the Lord uses these little unexpected glimpses of 'heaven' to help bring us into that place of rest and peace in His presence.

    I'm so glad you shared this special moment with us.

    Happy Christmas!

  2. Isn't it interesting how God uses little experiences like this to get our attention? and He does it in a way uniquely appropriate to each of us. thanks for sharing yours, Teri-Lyn.

  3. Beautiful. I LOVE how God gently draws us to Himself so unexpectedly that our only response is to tear up with emotion. He is such a good and loving God.

  4. Terilyn - writer11:36 pm GMT-7

    Thank you ladies for your lovely comments. I am delighted you enjoyed my story!!
    Be Blessed,

  5. I too enjoyed your story. Isn't it amazing what can touch us and get our attention? God knows each of us rather well.

  6. I love how God gets our attention in so many unexpected ways!



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