December 24, 2013

How Well Do You Know the Christmas Story? by Lynn Dove

This might be a great Christmas activity to do on Christmas Eve. Before putting the little ones to bed, gather them around and read the Christmas Story together, AFTER you have taken this fun quiz.

The complete quiz is posted on my Journey Thoughts blog, but here are a few questions to whet your appetite:

1.  How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
  • camel
  • donkey
  • walked
  • Volkswagen
  • Joseph walked, Mary rode a donkey
  • Who knows?
Answer:   Who knows?  The Bible does not say anything about a donkey.  Luke 2:4 simply tells us that Joseph and Mary went from Nazareth to Galilee.  Many biblical scholars think that because of their economic status they probably both walked but that is just speculation.

2.  What did the innkeeper tell Mary and Joseph?
  • There is no room at the inn
  • I have a stable you can use
  • Come back after the Christmas rush
  • None of the above
Answer:  None of the above.  The Bible does not say any words spoken by the inn keeper.  In fact, Luke does not even mention an inn keeper, merely an inn and the fact that there was no room.  (Luke 2:7).  To get really specific, there is also no mention of a stable.

3.   Jesus was delivered in a:
  • stable
  • manger
  • cave
  • barn
  • unknown
Answer:  Unknown.  Just like no words being recorded by the innkeeper, there is no mention where Mary delivered Jesus.  Matthew says Jesus was born in Bethlehem and Luke 2:7 says Mary gave birth to Him and laid him in a manger.

4.  A manger is a:
  • stable for domestic animals
  • wooden hay storage bin
  • feeding trough
  • barn
Answer:  A feeding trough for animals.  Perhaps it was this fact alone that has brought about the popular assumption that Jesus was born in a stable or barn because of a manger being close at hand to put the Baby in.  Using deductive reasoning, culture has also determined that if there is a feeding trough, there must also be animals nearby.  Countless Nativity or crèche scenes depict that as fact.  It is merely speculation and assumption.  Scripture doesn’t back up those theories in any way.

5.  According to the Bible, which animals were present at Jesus’ birth?
  • cows, sheep, goats
  • cows, donkeys, sheep
  • miscellaneous barnyard animals
  • lions, tigers and bears
  • we don’t know
Answer:  We don’t know.  There is no mention of animals of any kind around Jesus after His birth.  Refer to my explanation #4.

6.  Who saw the star in the east?
  • shepherds
  • Mary and Joseph
  • Magi (aka Wise Men)
  • both shepherds and Magi
  • none of the above
Answer:  The Magi.  The star is only mentioned in conjunction with the Magi.  They told Herod they had seen the star.  (Matthew 2:2)

7.  Where did the Magi find Jesus?
  • in the manger
  • in the stable
  • in an inn
  • in a house
Answer:  Sorry to wreck your Nativity scenes, but the Magi were not present the night Jesus was born.  Scriptural evidence shows Jesus could have been as old as two by the time they arrived.  If that is true then Jesus, Mary, and Joseph would have been staying in a house.  (Matthew 2:11)

The complete quiz can be found at this link:

Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

Lynn Dove calls herself a Christ-follower, a wife, a mom, a grandmother, a teacher and a writer (in that order). She is the author of award winning books: The Wounded Trilogy. Her blog, Journey Thoughts won a Canadian Christian Writing Award - 2011. She has also had essays published in "Mother of Pearl: Luminous Lessons and Iridescent Faith" and "Chicken Soup for the Soul - Parenthood" (March 2013),  Devotional Stories for Wives: 101 Daily Devotions to Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire You (Sept. 2013) O Canada The Wonders of Winter: 101 Stories about Bad Weather, Good Times, and Great Sports (Nov. 2013) and Miracles Happen: 101 Inspirational Stories about Hope, Answered Prayers, and Divine Intervention (Feb. 14).  She was most recently awarded Literary Classics International Book Awards - Seal of Approval and Silver Medal in Young Adult Faith-based fiction for her book Love the Wounded.  Readers may connect with Lynn on Facebook, Twitter and on her blog: Journey Thoughts


  1. Thanks for this, Lynn. This certainly makes a person think. Even if we know what the scriptures really say, we still think of this "romanticized version," which has become legendary and traditional.

  2. Thanks for this quiz, Lynn. It's interesting how many assumptions we make and claim them as biblical truth. Your post reminds us of the necessity to search the Scriptures and compare what we are being taught with what the Bible says.

  3. It is so fascinating to actually read the Christmas story from the Bible to discover truth, rather than just to believe the legends we are told. Thanks Lynn, this was fun!


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