July 24, 2010

The Blessings of "Early Garage Sale" — Lynda Schultz

Late last night I posted the story of this picture on my website. Alex and Alicia were married last week in Caracas. Circumstances didn't permit my presence at the wedding but that wonderful Sunday afternoon when they came to my apartment to look at the furniture I was planning on leaving behind was proof enough to me of the depth of Alex's feelings for Alicia.

I never doubted how Alicia felt—she was obvious! But Alex is the "strong, silent type," and even a little shy, so I was never quite sure about him and thought that perhaps Alicia was just being her dramatic self when she overwhelmed me with adjectives even time she talked about him.

My furniture was well-used. I have always jokingly said that my decorating style is "early garage sale." Neither Alicia nor Alex had a lot of money to spend but they both work and had been saving for this moment for a long time.

Alicia comes from a very dysfunctional family. Her mother always made a huge effort to degrade her daughter in private and in public. In spite of her difficult ealy years Alicia blossomed, particularly after meeting Alex. That Sunday afternoon showed me why.

The "kids" were renovating an annex for their first home and needed just about everything. She was reluctant to get too excited about the washer and dryer, the dining room set, the bed, the crystal, and the Royal Minton china I was leaving behind. Some things were essential; others were not. She and Alex had talked about the washer and as Alicia ran her hand over it, she looked a little longingly at the dryer. Alex saw the look and told me that he'd take that too. Alicia couldn't believe it. The whole afternoon was like that. She'd look at something, half afraid to want it because maybe they didn't need it, and Alex would tell her to add it to the list. By the time the "shopping" trip was over, their house was furnished and Alicia was in tears.

She could not believe that anyone, even Alex, would be so good to her. The scars of her past experience forbade her to trust that someone saw her worth and valued her enough to give her whatever would pleasure her—even if it was second-hand!

As God's children we are often a bit "Alicia" in our relationship with God. We are afraid to ask Him for certain things because we fear the rejection that we have sometimes been handed by others. We can't believe that God values us enough to bring into our lives whatever good thing will give us pleasure. Alex loved satisfying the desires of his wife-to-be. He didn't give Alicia everything she eyed, but he certainly gave her more than she had thought to ask for. And I suspect that as these two become more established in their lives, Alex will be just as delighted to pleasure his wife with a few new things to replace my "early garage sale."

To my great surprise, it isn't only Alicia who is overwhelming cyberspace with adjectives about her new husband from their hotel room on Margarita Island. Alex's FACEBOOK posts are almost as descriptive about how much he loves her as hers are descriptive about him. Isn't love wonderful! Is God wonderful!


  1. How lovely... and how like Jesus to give us all we need and more!

  2. sigh with joy........ exactly as it should be...........wonderful!


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