January 13, 2025

What is in Your Hand by Sharon Heagy


What is in your hand?

Well, Lord, right now I have a whisk in one hand and a bowl in the other as I ‘m making breakfast for my husband.

What is in your hand?

It’s called a Swiss Army knife. Spoon, knife, fork, saw, scissors, all in one handy gadget. I’m surprised you don’t recognize it.

What is in your hand?

A pile of bills that need to be paid, a to do list and a cell phone I need to answer as this ringing is driving me crazy! Oh, and there are half a dozen text messages and several emails to answer as well.

What is in your hand?

Do you mean stuff we own? We have a nice warm house for which I am truly thankful in this frigid weather. Oh, and thanks for the SUV. It’s really snazzy and comfortable and gets us from point A to point B lickety-split. Comfy chairs to sit in, except for that one. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about getting us a new one. Kitchen table with more chairs. Lots of appliances like a stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer. All those things that make life easier and give us more time. Shelves full of books. A bed to snooze on. I could go on but sorry, gotta run.

What is in your hand?

Maybe you’re talking about the wonderful folks in our life. My terrific husband and our three sons, two daughter-in-loves and 5 grandkids. Immediate and extended family who celebrate our triumphs and share in our sorrows. Fantastic neighbours and warm, encouraging friends. A fabulous faith filled church family we would be lost without. They help us through the dark times and sing praise with us at all times. Furry friends who listen well and share our space and cuddle up when we seem to need it the most. Wow, we truly are blessed, eh?

What is in your hand? Nothing you have mentioned is as important as the truth. Open your palms and look earnestly. Scrutinize each one from the tips of your fingers to the crease of your wrist. Look for the treasure there. Find what matters, seek the truth. What is in your hand?

Nothing. Nothing, Lord? There is nothing in my hands. I don’t understand.

Look deeper my child. Into the lines of every joint of your fingers, each line on your palm and every wrinkle. Follow the blood vessels underneath to the source of circulation. It is there I have written my word. Upon your heart. From your heart my words follow the life-giving flow down to your hands and to the tips of your fingers. Look again into the palms of your hands. Watch words appear and disappear into the crevices and cracks. As you prayerfully write, your words become beacons to a dark world and arrows to penetrate even the hardest heart and soul. You are “engraved on the palms of my hands.” (Isaiah 49:16 NIV) The hands that created you. From my hands flows the power which gives you breath and life. From my hands come the words you write when your heart is surrendered to me. All the answers you have given, the things that you have mentioned, will turn to rust, be eaten by moths or return to dust. (Matthew 6:19; Genesis 3:19 NIV) Though it may all be taken from you, you will always have me. It is I alone who fill your outstretched palms and will “never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 NIV) Gaze upon your hands again. What is in your hands, child?

You, Lord. And You are all I need.

Sharon Heagy writes from Rockglen, Saskatchewan, where she lives with her husband, three cats and one very large dog, all of whom bring sunshine into her life. She writes to inspire and give hope, with a chuckle or two along the way. 


  1. Loved your post, Sharon. You've caught our lives in a nutshell. And I love how Someone kept asking the question until he got you to the nub of life.

    Favourite lines? The last two: "What is in your hands, child? You, Lord. And You are all I need."

    Beautifully written. Thank you!

    1. PS. I also loved being reminded that we're engraved in the palms of His hands.

    2. Thanks for your kind and encouraging words, Brenda.

  2. You've done it again! You capture our attention with wit and humour, drawing us in so that you can impart the real message: God's Word, His grace and His love are what we actually need. This is such a lovely post and so well written. thank you Sharon, for your words of truth today.

    1. Thanks, Tracy! Blessings on your day.

  3. Sharon, this is an excellent message. The images are superb. These words are sublime, "Look again into the palms of your hands. Watch words appear and disappear into the crevices and cracks. As you prayerfully write, your words become beacons to a dark world and arrows to penetrate even the hardest heart and soul." I am giving this post a massive warm hug.

    1. Many warm thanks to you, my friend, for your kind and thoughtful words. God bless.

  4. This is a brilliant piece, Sharon!! So many meaningful takeaways, including this one: "From my hands flows the power which gives you breath and life. From my hands come the words you write when your heart is surrendered to me." I'll remember it.

    1. Thanks, Sandi! Your comments always give me a lift and make me think I may be on the right track.

  5. I’ve always loved this verse, “What is in your hand?” And I love your perspective on it and how we can take the words in our heart and hands, God’s truth like you say, and share it with the world. Beautiful Sharon! ❤️

    1. Thank you, Pam! You always help me to keep on keeping on.

  6. Sharon, I love the idea of looking into the crevices and wrinkles of the palms of our hands. Look deeper, see what I have put into your hands, is the message I get.

    1. Yes! That’s it! Thank you, Joy. Your words are an encouragement to my heart.

  7. I don't know what to add to what others have already said, Sharon. Well done!!


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