January 20, 2025

Outstretched Hands by Tracy Krauss

I have enjoyed reading what others have written about this profoundly thought-provoking (and humbling) prompt. What a wonderful way to start the new year!

For those reading who did not see the prompt in its entirety, here it is:
"In Exodus 3, Moses, called by the Lord to an enormous task, expresses doubt about his abilities. The Lord replies to him, “What is that in your hand?” God then uses Moses’ staff to demonstrate His power to use what Moses already had.

As you begin the year, consider where you are now and how you will move forward in your faith and your writing. Share what is in your hand. What do you know about yourself? How has God revealed Himself to you as a writer? What tools do you possess to help you? How can you use what God has given you to enhance your writing?"
As I pondered how to respond, I recognized how gracious God has been in my life. I love to journal and reflect so have done a lot of soul searching over the years. I think I know myself - both my strengths and shortcomings - pretty well. He has revealed Himself to me in many astounding ways, sometimes through trials, physical pain and weakness, unexpected opportunities, and so much more. (Too much for me to go into detail here.)

God is in the business of using the "weak" because it is then that He is strong. We are forced to rely on Him, not on ourselves. Moses and Paul are just two fine examples. It reminds me of that famous quote, "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." (Not sure who coined it first.)

Right now I am in the midst of my busiest season. In my job as an online support teacher, the first three weeks of January can become overwhelming since I have all my end-of-term work to accomplish in a very short amount of time, including interviewing all my students, updating their "Proof of Work", and writing report cards. I had company for the entire holidays prior to January and then my husband and I, who are pastoring our church, felt God's prompt to hold a "Week of Prayer" for one entire week near the beginning of the month. (An awesome thing but it certainly cut down on my "work" time!) FellowScript magazine's February issue needed to be finalized in order to be ready for its publication date. And then...

My daughter, who was due to have her sixth child near the end of the month, suddenly needed our prayers and support when her blood pressure skyrocketed. She ended up having an emergency C-section. Welcome to another beautiful little granddaughter: 5 lbs 12 ounces and as healthy as can be! We kept a couple of our grandsons for part of the ordeal.

Today I am sitting at my computer wondering how in the world I can take time to write a blog post when I still have SO MUCH WORK TO DO! How can I do justice to the deep prompting in my spirit and respond in a way that honours all that God has done in my life?

As I pondered, a thought came to mind:

Stretch out your hands...

Right now, my hands are empty. But, it's the perfect reminder to surrender. I don't have to strive or worry because God's Hands are so much bigger than mine and He will equip me to do whatever tasks He's called me to do.


Tracy Krauss
writes, works, pastors, and enjoys her family and LIFE in Tumbler Ridge, BC. She is currently serving as
FellowScript magazine's editor-in-chief. Visit her website for more details. https://tracykrauss.com


  1. For me, these lines sum it up beautifully, Tracy: "How can I do justice to the deep prompting in my spirit and respond in a way that honours all that God has done in my life? As I pondered, a thought came to mind: Stretch out your hands...".

    And so today I'll join you in stretching out my hands, asking Him to fill them with something good and beautiful, something Spirit-led. Thank you!

  2. I love your honest words here, Tracy. Feeling empty comes to all of us, and how wonderful that we can stretch out our empty hands to our Father who will give us what we need to carry on in his strength.
    And for today, I pray that you will experience that strength today in the midst of this busy season of life.
    Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter!

  3. What a wonderful post, Tracy! Love this quotation “God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." Your concluding lines also spoke to my heart “I don't have to strive or worry because God's Hands are so much bigger than mine and He will equip me to do whatever tasks He's called me to do.” Yes! Congratulations on the new grandchild and pray everyone is doing well. Thanks again, Tracy.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I appreciate your comments. :)

  4. Valerie Ronald1:12 pm GMT-7

    Thank you for your post, Tracy. It definitely resonated with me, especially these sentences, "Right now, my hands are empty. But, it's the perfect reminder to surrender. I don't have to strive or worry because God's Hands are so much bigger than mine and He will equip me to do whatever tasks He's called me to do." I have experienced the provision of His enabling Hands so many times. I delight surrendering to Him the tasks He calls me to do, knowing He will use this imperfect child of His to work out His perfect will. And blessings on your new granddaughter!

    1. Thank you Valerie. I appreciate your responding as well.

  5. Thank you, Lord, for filling Tracy's hands to write this post. With all she has going on in life, please fill her hands with what she needs. Thank you also, Father, for filling her hands with the precious gift of her baby granddaughter.
    Thank you for this honest message for us, Tracy. Please give your grandbaby cuddles from us all.

  6. Anonymous8:26 pm GMT-7

    Tracey, your thought filled post is much appreciated. With the recent loss of my husband (of 53 years) my question, “Now what God?” has often been answered “Stretch out your hands.” All be it not in those words exactly.
    And they that wait upon the LORD…

    1. I am not sure who this is (you show up as anonymous) but I pray that God will fill the void in your heart with His love and peace.

  7. What a beautiful post, Tracy! Your words have inspired me, as they have with others who responded (and others who haven't responded). Even when we feel our hands are empty, we can stretch out our hands, "because God's Hands are so much bigger than mine and He will equip me to do whatever tasks He's called me to do." Yes!!


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